Recent content by Mobilman44

  1. Mobilman44

    Fed up? Feel free to vent here, and get it off your chest!

    Vida May, there is nothing wrong with your attitude - and I suspect more than a few of us would agree with that.
  2. Mobilman44

    Do you pay early??

    Pinky, the quote on the end of your emails strikes home, and is so true. Thank you, and Robin Williams, for sharing with us.
  3. Mobilman44

    Complaining. (How Often Do You Do It?)

    A timely question..... When I complain, it's usually a one time shot, often blended with sarcasm. If its something I can "fix", I work on it, otherwise I would just as soon not mention it anymore (as that makes me feel down). My Wife on the other hand complains a lot. Usually the same things...
  4. Mobilman44

    Do you pay early??

    I always pay in full, rounding up to the nearest dollar. And I get it to the post office as soon as possible. Why? Well I round up for check and check book ease. The extra pennies are credited to your next bill. And I take them directly to the post office as the mail service is slower than...
  5. Mobilman44

    I can not keep up with political correctness these days.

    Where is Archie Bunker when we need him ?
  6. Mobilman44

    What would you do with savings and had no one that will inherit it?

    While my wife and I have 5 adult kids, I've often thought about your question. What I keep coming back to is the numerous young (we are 76 & 80) folks that are so nice to us - like our yard crew, and restaurant staff. We go out to lunch 6 days a week and have gotten to know several of the...
  7. Mobilman44

    I can not keep up with political correctness these days.

    I will continue to do what I've done for a very long time. Just follow the Golden Rule and treat EVERYONE with RESPECT as you would like to be treated. And if they are a "problem", just walk away. On addressing someone of whom you can't determine the "right" pronoun, just don't use one. I...
  8. Mobilman44

    Did your school have an official song?

    It makes me feel a bit better knowing that I'm not the only one that didn't have that "great high school experience". Until my senior year, I took two Chicago buses to school each way. More often than not, it was a very packed bus, too hot or too cold. I was put in honors classes, while the...
  9. Mobilman44

    Things you won't find anymore...

    Those pants stretchers (as we called them) really made sense and they worked.
  10. Mobilman44

    Things you won't find anymore...

    I hit both Lowes and Home Depot. I sure will look again (and ask again) next time I'm there.
  11. Mobilman44

    Things you won't find anymore...

    I've lived in this "custom home" for 43 years. I installed the old roll down window shades in the two upstairs bedroom leaded glass windows that face south. They are for heat/light control, and are hidden behind white wood blinds. Well, one of them broke and I went to the local big box stores...
  12. Mobilman44

    Did your school have an official song?

    Lane Tech - Chicago class of Jan. 1962! It was at that time an all boys college prep tech school with lots of shops. Yup, we had a school song, one that had the published lyrics and one that had various 4 letter words substituted (sung only at outdoor games). "Go Lane, for we are here to...
  13. Mobilman44

    King Charles III First Official Portrait Has Mixed Reviews. Poll

    I voted "mixed", mainly because of the red - which I consider a turn off.
  14. Mobilman44

    My brother has died

    I don't have a brother, and always wished I did. I can't imagine the pain and grief you and the family are going through. Its a terribly sad and rough time, and yes, it will get better, but not for a long time. Please take care!
  15. Mobilman44

    My sister really hates me.

    Sibling rivalry is hard for me to understand - yet I've seen it in my own kids (4 in mid 50s). But then I have two sisters - one 5 years older, one 5 years younger. We have - to my knowledge - never had an even close to serious problem. Yet, my wife's brother is a total piece of crap - an...