Recent content by VisualBrian

  1. VisualBrian

    There is a general lack of respect in society today

    For the sake of this discussion let us agree that a revolution is coming or necessary. What would it be a revolution against, nature, our attitude or those in charge? Please describe this transition that is here.
  2. VisualBrian

    There is a general lack of respect in society today

    Sorry, but I don't understand. What is the "usual" rate of evolution for our species? What is the rate of adaption and what should it be? Obviously we will adapt or perish but the platitudes have no meaning to me. There was no mention of death here but only human attitudes.
  3. VisualBrian

    There is a general lack of respect in society today

    Mike drop... goodnight... AWESOME insight!!!
  4. VisualBrian

    There is a flock of Turkey Vultures that hang out here

    Did you recently post that you moved into an assisted living facility or something like that? If not then ... my bad, disregard. But if so... Maybe it's just me but, I'm getting that Twilight Zone vibe again. :oops:
  5. VisualBrian

    Ever been duped by insurance companies?

    I can't remember ever making a claim so I have no idea how much it would have covered or if that would have been sufficient. I only know that the rates keep going up. Like this year, my homeowner's insurance went up 39.5%. Of course I didn't renew with them. I've found that with both auto and...
  6. VisualBrian

    Scam calls and spam email

    I think that's pretty much the best way to handle it. I don't answer my phone unless I know who it is calling. If you're not in my list, I don't need to talk to you. There are bots that just call numbers all day and if you answer, your number is put on a list and sold to telemarketers and...
  7. VisualBrian

    I hate scammers so hard!

    Welcome to the human condition.
  8. VisualBrian

    Stress. A question and a theory.

    If we know that placebos and positive thinking can change the way we feel, even make us healthier, then it's reasonable to think that the opposite is also true, though to what degree we just don't know. I know that stress has made me ill, and that the relief of that stress, whether through...
  9. VisualBrian

    Cuba before and after

    Somehow, I don't think it will take nearly that long. When I think of Cuba, I think of great American classic cars.
  10. VisualBrian

    What do these three words have in common?

    Ahh. Too late. I was going to say... "they are all words". Does pilfer rhyme with silver? If you count imperfect rhymes.
  11. VisualBrian

    You think you're old, the Stones are touring in 2024.

    I'm sure the price of cocaine and booze has gone up along with everything else. ;)
  12. VisualBrian

    Who is Paul Wallis and is he to be believed??

    "Created by God or Engineered by ET's". Well, since both claims are unfalsifiable, I can't see there being any actual answer in the book, but it may be some light before bed reading.
  13. VisualBrian

    You are Not the Father

    We should not have to "opt out" of things that aren't necessary when we already have the individual power to "opt in". We don't need more government intrusion and power in our lives. As many have already stated, it should not be mandatory.
  14. VisualBrian

    I'm thinking of buying a classic car...

    I wish I did live near a car auction, but I'm in the boonies. Yes, the ones with dings and rust are exactly what I'm looking for, something to work on. I check on craigslist but nothing good so far.
  15. VisualBrian

    How late is it where you are?

    Normally I stay up until 11 or so as well, but I'm not really from Quahog, as there is no such place in Rhode Island. It's a Homer Simpson thing. I was born in Massachusetts and raised in Rhode Island, but from the time I could decide where I would live, I have lived in the southern U.S, and...