Too Many Missing Children

I don’t know what local police department officers carry or wear, but PSP carry a pictured ID with current medical conditions and blood type in their wallet and is also the only place you will see a metal badge. Our outer badge is actually a sewn patch and our hat is a campaign hat with a chin strip. No other police department in the state may duplicate the shade of the color gray of our uniform.

I was stopped along I-4 in Florida to fix my windshield wiper that was just replaced, but was getting ready to fall off. I guess the person that replaced it on the rental car didn’t put it on correctly. A Florida Trooper pulled up behind me and asked what was the problem. I told him and he said next time I need to do a quick fix to pull off the interstate. He said people are nuts on this route.

I told him I was a retired Pennsylvania Trooper and I will be happy to oblige him. We went to the passenger side of my vehicle and had about a 20 minute discussion on patrolling the interstate. I like young Troopers that ask questions. They want to learn all they can. I-4 in Florida is probably their worse highway.
