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Word of the Day - Himbo

Well, this is new to me. Never heard the term before. I always get a laugh when I see pastry products from the company named Bimbo. Wonder who came up with that.

I don't like either of these words, bimbo or himbo. Bimbo is actually from the Italians:
"The word bimbo derives from the Italian bimbo,[4] a masculine-gender term that means "little or baby boy" or "young (male) child" (the feminine form of the Italian word is bimba). Use of this term began in the United States as early as 1919, and was a slang word used to describe an unintelligent[5] or brutish[6] man."

Therefore, if we look to the origins, bimba should be used for females and bimbo for males. I wonder why bimba never caught on?
