A letter to Santa


London England
Dear Santa,

When I was a child, my mum cheated on my dad, then my father cheated on my mum

My mum got an eating disorder which caused a lot of upset in the family..

. Later, my parents divorced.

Soon after, my mother died in a car accident.:cry:

My brother and I could only live in grandmas old house.

Grandmas sister was an alcoholic who died of stroke, after being badly burned in the bath

. The whole family lived on my grandmas savings.

Grandma recently died.

My uncle, my dad's brother is barely keeping himself out of jail from day to day.

My brother left home and won’t talk to us anymore and won't even let us see his kids..

.Dad, now 76, who is trying to recover from cancer had to go out to work to support the family and now I'm having to do the same to help out , even tho' my own wife is recovering from cancer herself and we're worried we might lose the beautiful mother of our children ..

Now I have a wicked stepmother who think she’s a queen.

Please help

Yours sincerely, Prince William

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