Do you ever wonder why people only use Jesus' name in vain?

Exclaiming Jesus or Jesus Christ at moments of frustration or surprise is something I do. And I don’t like that I do it and have long tried to break the habit. Or at least only say it inside my head not aloud. I have people in my life who frown on using Jesus’s name that way.

But, Jesus Christ! It’s such a hard habit to break.
God will forgive you. It's just a habit, and not directed at him personally. Or maybe he won't. It depends on which church you go to.
Thought provoking question.

I have a different perspective about saying “O my God" or “Jesus Christ” in situations where you're frustrated or angry.

Yes, saying the Lords name in vain, unintentionally and in anger is a mortal sin and the 2nd of the 10 Commandments. Most of us do it out of pure habit, and as a kid you don't really understand why it's wrong.

The Lord apparently offered his name to call upon him when we needed him - when you are angry or frustrated isn't that when you need him the most?

It's like "Jesus take the wheel I'm losing it down here!"
I don't, but then my parents didn't, and that's probably where we pick up most of those habits.

The first time I heard my son say a "bad word," I think it was the s word. I told him not to say that because older people like his grandma thought it was ugly and upsetting. I told him when he was angry he should say something like golly or gee whiz. For the longest time when he got mad I would hear him say, "Gollygeewhiz!"
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I take the 10 Commandments seriously, the 3rd Commandment admonishes you to not take God's name in vain; I'm sure that includes Jesus' name as well. I'm not a superstitious Christian, and I think that Jesus and God are pretty mature and don't have petty anger. Still, I avoid using their names as vulgarities.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who consider it "The Ten Suggestions" instead.
Have you never heard "He died in vain" ? (or she or they)

It basically means he/she/they died without purpose or for no reason....senselessly.
Thanks, really this is the first I have understood what that meant. Senseless. But, wouldn't it be senseless to blame anything not related to why your angry? Jaguar!! Hammer!!! Judge Judy!!! I don't think I like this vague "commandment".
