Has Anyone Tried 1440 News? (Is It Actually Unbiased?)


Well-known Member
Mid-Atlantic US
I haven't heard of this before today... before I get too excited about it, anyone know if it's truly unbiased and only news reporting without the spin? Here's what their site says:
(Source: 1440 website)

1440 is the daily news briefing followed by millions of readers. But it began as an email we sent to 78 people.

Every morning, we'd wake up to the same broken media landscape. Filler content. Talking heads. Opinions. Infotainment. But one day, instead of repeating the cycle, we started working on a solution: a comprehensive news source edited to be unbiased as humanly possible. A daily briefing—in one simple email. For more insight. And less outrage.

We're an employee-owned news source, not affiliated with any larger media outlet.

You know, it is my belief there are no unbiased news services. Even in the best of them, money is running the engine, and that will dictate things (no site can afford to have zero visitors). Wages must be paid, commissions done.

For me it's not whether bias exists, but whether I'm *aware* of said bias or not. Few so called news sites actual generate stories. They pick them up from Reuters, or other news sites. True journalism is dead. Instead it's spin or opinion based on other peoples work (or worse, a tweet, Facebook post, or other Social Media nonsense).

The key is journalism, not publication. Who is doing the actual work? I'm not talking about pundits and hosts, I'm talking about investigators and journalists. Far too few sites do it right. I've no idea if this is one of them, but doubt is raised.

We also can't remove ourselves from the equation. We tend, as humans, to like/believe things that agree with our personal beliefs. We agree with things we like, and disagree with things we don't like. Add to the mix the general hatred toward "left" and "right", and you have a difficult situation.

Still, the old saying is true -follow the money. 1440 seems to be run by a Phd scientist, and "venture capitalists". It's the latter that will doing the driving.
It’s better than most. Instead of

Five fascist senators have offered a bill that will kill and injure left handed people

they will say

Five senators co-sponsored a bill that simplifies safety rules for left handed scissors.

You can then make up your own mind about the senators, scissors, and left handed people.

Note: I like left handed people. No offense meant.
I believe I may have heard about it before but never checked it out. I just subscribed; if I like it, I will share it with others, as you have done. Thank you for bringing it to our attention Kate. Here's the clickable link to their website: https://join1440.com/

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