Mexico’s deadly Coca-Cola addiction causing rampant Diabetes and death

In my early 20's, I read an article (in a medical journal, I think) that sugary treats as candies, cakes, etc .do not cause diabetes but liquids as colas and soft drinks can cause and enhance diabetes. I never drank them, nor did I let my children drink them while they were growing up.
I stick to water, love the taste of water and am pretty healthy!

I have several friends that I got out to eat with. They got to have their diet coke. I keep telling them that diet coke is not good for them. They say yea my Dr. is also telling me I'm addicted to diet coke & I need to get off it so my diabetes will improve.

They carry a cooler with 6+ cans of diet coke with them where ever they go, so they can keep drinking it in the car as we travel. They will not drink water or any other beverage just diet coke.
Unfortunately my wife is a diet coke addict, she frequently pours a glass for breakfast. :rolleyes:

About regular Coke:
According to Coca-Cola, one 12-ounce can of classic Coke contains 39 grams of sugar, while a Cherry Coke has 42 grams.


The AHA suggests an added-sugar limit of no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar) for most women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men. There's no nutritional need or benefit that comes from eating added sugar.

***Important please read article***

When cocaine and alcohol meet inside a person, they create a third unique drug called cocaethylene. Cocaethylene works like cocaine, but with more euphoria. So in 1863, when Parisian chemist Angelo Mariani combined coca and wine and started selling it, a butterfly did flap its wings. His Vin Marian became extremely popular. Jules Verne, Alexander Dumas, and Arthur Conan Doyle were among literary figures said to have used it, and the chief rabbi of France said, "Praise be to Mariani's wine!" Pope Leo XIII reportedly carried a flask of it regularly and gave Mariani a medal.

Seeing this commercial success, Dr. John Stith Pemberton in Atlanta, himself a morphine addict following an injury in the Civil War, set out to make his own version. He called it Pemberton's French Wine Coca and marketed it as a panacea. But as Pemberton's business started to take off, a prohibition was passed in his county in Georgia (a local one that predated the 18th Amendment by 34 years). Soon French Wine Coca was illegal because of the alcohol, not the cocaine.

Pemberton remained a step ahead, though. He replaced the wine in the formula with, healthier, sugar syrup. His new product debuted in 1886: "Coca-Cola: The temperance drink." After that, as Grace Elizabeth Hale recounted recently in the The New York Times, Coca-Cola "quickly caught on as an 'intellectual beverage' among well-off whites." But when the company started selling it in bottles in 1899, minorities who couldn't get into the segregated soda fountains suddenly had access to it. Anyone with a nickel, could now drink the cocaine-infused beverage.

Cocaine wasn't even illegal until 1914, 11 years after Coca-Cola's change, but a massive surge in cocaine use was at its peak at the turn of the century. Recreational use increased five-fold in a period of less than two decades.

The Coca-Cola we know today still contains coca but the ecgonine alkaloid is removed from it. Perfecting that extraction took until 1929, so before that there were still trace amounts of coca's psychoactive elements in Coca-Cola. As Dominic Streatfield describes in Cocaine: An Unauthorized Biography, the extraction is now done at a New Jersey chemical processing facility by a company called Stepan. In 2003, Stepan imported 175,000 kilograms of coca for Coca-Cola. That's enough to make more than $200 million worth of cocaine. They refer to the coca leaf extract simply as "Merchandise No. 5."

"Merchandise No. 5?" I wonder how much is in: 7UP?
Like anywhere else it's moderation and lifestyle. How fit is Mexico? I don't think they are awash in gyms. Maybe old school boxing gyms but not box store type gyms.
Like anywhere else it's moderation and lifestyle. How fit is Mexico? I don't think they are awash in gyms. Maybe old school boxing gyms but not box store type gyms.
If you watch the video, you'll see how they've come to have the diabetes with their reliance on sugary foods, but above all their addiction to Coke.. and it can't even be diet coke it has to be full sugar variety
There is a guy with YouTube videos who says the cola companies put salt into the soda pop that people don't taste because the drink is so sweet, but the salt makes people thirsty so they drink more. I don't know if it is true.

This is one of the guy's videos, it is really old (dozen years ago), he has more recent ones, he is getting old now I think he is my age, ha ha.

For many people, healthy living includes monitoring their diet and taking care with what they eat.

This includes monitoring their sodium intake to be under the daily recommended allowance of 1500 milligrams.

But if you are watching your sodium intake, you’ve got to be careful of hidden sodium content; it can pop up in a lot of surprising places. So you may wonder why a 12 ounce can of regular Coke or Pepsi has 30 to 45 milligrams of sodium in it.

Mexico’s deadly Coca-Cola addiction causing rampant Diabetes and death​

Corporations are now legally considered an individual person right? (or close to that). This headline sounds like there is serial killer running around free to continue their killing spree. How can we standby and let this murderer ( including children and pregnant women) continue to use every possible tactic to hook a person on a manufactured "food" that food scientists know is bad and potentially deadly, and is addictive ( caused by this person Coca Cola )? IT IS INSANE!
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Around Christmas time, I’ll buy some cans of pop while they’re on sale. I like to have something in the house for guests. The leftover cans will sit on the top shelf in the pantry totally forgotten until I notice something wet and brown on the bottom level. The coke has corroded the can and it’s seeping out via a pinhole link. Having done this three times, I now try to inspect the BB date.
My neuro doctor said for me to never drink diet drinks because they constrict the blood vessels. With my history of brain aneurysms its a no no for me. He said I could drink half of my small coke every day. Sometimes I drink it but I try to drink cold water as much as possible.
"Your last sentence reminds of watching my #2 DH clean corrosion on car battery posts by pouring coke over them (with the cables to engine disconnected)."

I learned this from my Dad at his service station back in the '40s & '50s. Worked real good too. Better than baking soda.
