Seven workers from World Central Kitchen killed in Gaza

These are the 3 British Humanitarian ex soldiers who were killed ...R.I.P you didn't deserve to die

I can't believe this; a little/small country like Israel and no one can bring them to heel??

Shortly after the founding of Israel in 1947 by the U.N., a coalition of surrounding Muslim countries attacked Israel and waged war on them. That war lasted 10 months and at the end of it Israel not only controlled their own area but 60% of the area proposed for the Palestinian state.

Incredibly in 1967 the surrounding Muslim states of Egypt, Syria and Jordan again waged war on Israel and that war lasted only 6 days. By the 6th day Israel had destroyed all of Egypt’s Air Force Bases and most of its planes and controlled the entire Sinai Peninsula. All the countries involved then signed a cease fire agreement. The Muslims had 20,000 casualties and the Israelis only had 1,000.

In 2005 Israel withdrew their occupation of Gaza and left the country to the Gazans. But instead of developing their economy via agriculture, fishing, tourism and other advantages of being on Mediterranean Sea , Gazans spent their time lobbing rockets over into Israel. On October 7, 2023, Muslims of Gaza breached the border with Israel and committed some of the worst atrocities the modern world has seen.

One might ask why a small backward country like Gaza would attack the most sophisticated military in the world? but religion is a powerful thing and the Muslims believed killing Jews and other infidels was their ticket to Heaven.
I can't believe this; a little/small country like Israel and no one can bring them to heel??

No-one will make them stop. I said this on day one of their war, and it upset people to read it. That hasn't changed the inevitable though. If you're in the US/UK, your taxes are paying for part of the whole thing. Just realize, this is about a land grab, not an attack on a terrorist group. In the years to come, more of Palestine will become part of the occupied territories. It'll never go back to the Palestinian people, who are by far the largest number of victims in any of this, and are dying as I write. The value for life is, apparently, different on either side of the wall.
This is so tragic. These were giving people who were providing food for starving people in Gaza. World Central Kitchen is such a wonderful organization that provides needed food all over the world. RIP to these wonderful people. The world is a sadder place without them.

Who were the World Central Kitchen workers killed in Gaza?
The founder of that group is calling BS to Israel's protestations about it being a tragic accident. He said they were identifying themselves all along the route so that the IDF knew who they were and where they are at any given moment.
Your language is most uncomfortable davey. Bring them to heel. I get where you're going, but don't like how you said it.
What would be a better way to discuss a regime that seems to believe it doesn't matter who or how many innocents that they kill? Those aid workers identified themselves all along their trip. They let the IDF know where they were every mile. They had their vehicles labelled on the roof and the sides, they were visible. And now they are dead. So what's a better way to talk about them? Should the complaints be softened to avoid 'hurting their feelings'? Requests haven't worked, subtle suggestions, pleas for mercy for the innocent.....hasn't worked.

Benjamin Netanyahu has bragged about controlling America. He figures some pathetic 'oh we're so sorry, tragic accident, blah, blah, blah' and the world will give them a pass again.

Shortly after the founding of Israel in 1947 by the U.N., a coalition of surrounding Muslim countries attacked Israel and waged war on them. That war lasted 10 months and at the end of it Israel not only controlled their own area but 60% of the area proposed for the Palestinian state.

Incredibly in 1967 the surrounding Muslim states of Egypt, Syria and Jordan again waged war on Israel and that war lasted only 6 days. By the 6th day Israel had destroyed all of Egypt’s Air Force Bases and most of its planes and controlled the entire Sinai Peninsula. All the countries involved then signed a cease fire agreement. The Muslims had 20,000 casualties and the Israelis only had 1,000.of being on Mediterranean Sea , Gazans spent their time lobbing rockets over into Israel. On October 7, 2023, Muslims of Gaza breached the border with Israel and committed some of the worst atrocities the modern world has seen.

One might ask why a small backward country like Gaza would attack the most sophisticated military in the world? but religion is a powerful thing and the Muslims believed killing Jews and other infidels was their ticket to Heaven.

You've got the timeline down, but there are some issues with your understanding I think. If you listen to Miko Peled (whose father was one of the generals orchestrating the 6 day war), you'd find that those Arab countries didn't attack Israel, Israel attacked them and because it was unexpected, they gained victory in 6 days.

When Sharon pulled Israeli's out of Gaza and left it for the Palestinians, it was because of the cost of having military protecting just a few settlers. The greenhouses that were abandoned 'for the Palestinians' were vandalized by the settlers before they left in an effort to make them inoperable. But thanks to the compassionate aid of an Australian Jewish businessman who funded the refurbishing of those greenhouses, they were able to get them producing again.

Gaza myths and facts: what American Jewish leaders won't tell you

The problem that Palestinians then ran into, which doomed their efforts to earn income and become more self supporting via the $120,000.00 worth of strawberries, peppers and other products, per day, was that Israel wouldn't let them ship those fruits and veggies out of Gaza. Holding them up constantly at the checkpoint out, until the produce had become unusable for the European markets that were waiting for them. You can read more of the details in the following Haaretz article that was published in 2014.

This isn't really a religious war. This is all about Israel having the entire region to themselves, for it to be majority Jewish and that's why they have no hesitation about allowing settlers to take over the Occupied territories that they once pretended to accept as being exclusively for the Palestinians. And if you take the time to go to YouTube and look for a channel by a guy named Corey Gil-Shuster, you'll hear lots of Palestinians answering questions like 'do you want to live in peace with the Israeli's?' in the affirmative. You'll also hear the other response too, but there seem to be less of those than the former. At least that's what I've noticed.
I can't believe this; a little/small country like Israel and no one can bring them to heel??
Sure they can. All they need to do is bring Hamas to heel at the same time. Simple.

But… if Hamas is not also brought to heel at the same time, whoever brings Israel to heel will now be responsible to defend Israel against Hamas, and probably Hezbollah also. Anyone like to volunteer?
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Those aid workers identified themselves all along their trip. They let the IDF know where they were every mile. They had their vehicles labelled on the roof and the sides, they were visible. And now they are dead.
The deadly attack was deliberate. Netanyahu regime has been murdering innocents for many years, he is a war criminal and should be ousted from power.
Sure they can. All they need to do is bring Hamas to heel at the same time. Simple.

But… if Hamas is not also brought to heel at the same time, whoever brings Israel to heel will now be responsible to defend Israel against Hamas, and probably Hezbollah also. Anyone like to volunteer?
I think that if Israel were to try a little carrot instead of always a military stick, I think they'd probably discover that Palestinians would more than likely, meet them half way and that would start everyone on the road to disregarding and capsizing the hold that Hamas has on the region of Gaza and would likewise, make the West Bank a more peaceful place.
I think that if Israel were to try a little carrot instead of always a military stick, I think they'd probably discover that Palestinians would more than likely, meet them half way and that would start everyone on the road to disregarding and capsizing the hold that Hamas has on the region of Gaza and would likewise, make the West Bank a more peaceful place.

This answer dodges the issue completely.

The issue is real. If Israel stops, who will deal with Hamas if there is another Oct 7 attack? The US? I hope not. The UN? I doubt it. A force made up of Arab soldiers from countries that are sick and tired of all this fighting in their back yard. Maybe. I don't know.

In regards to carrots. You can find a lot of carrots in the history of the Camp David negotiations held during the Clinton administration. It's a shame the Camp David negotiations did not work out. So many have suffered and died over this mess. Too many egos. Not enough humanity.

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