When you are done with the Christmas tree,

🎄It's rare but occasionally Islanders here push their used Christmas Trees up against the Dunes...I guess in hopes to protect the dunes from erosion? (seagrass does a good job until something stronger than seagrass ruins that idea and we have to replant the seagrass).

🎄One day I was walking on the beach with my daughter at the Island's Point where the wind is strongest when we saw from afar a huge pine tree rolling from the dunes to the surf with help from the wind. We were new to this phenomenon so we weren't sure at the time what it was. It's surreal.
When I was a kid, people brought their trees to the parking lot of the ballpark and they were piled up in a huge mountain of trees and set on fire. My dad took me one year to see it and it was spectacular.

O viously, they don't do that anymore......
Where I live, in the Texas panhandle, we have yards to take them and they mulch them.
