Today--T-4/30/24 is International Honesty Day

I don't know why, but I used to be honest to a fault. And I had to learn, life doesn't work that way.

I think it could be that I could see my mother be so phony. She could be in a horrid foul nasty mood. There was a knock at the door from some people down the street and she was beyond sickening sweet. The minute the door closed, horrid, foul and nasty was right back. I remember how that made me cringe. Or I did something to make her mad in a store. She said nothing. Until the car door closed. Then she was screaming at me. Phony. Scream at your kid in the store and see the reaction your would have got. That was the real you there.

Oh rate. I'll say 70%. It's not to my benefit to tell people off at work I can't stand: "I really f-ing can't stand you, you over smoke break taking POS." I want to keep my job. But I can think it.

I am honest to a fault with family and friends. They know not to ask me a question if they do not want an honest answer. But with acquaintances and other people in general I will answer the obligatory "I'm fine" when I am asked how I am doing . I suppose that is technically a lie if I am really not feeling fine at the time.

To me, the important question is, how honest am I with myself ? And I can say twenty years or so ago that was probably below 50%, I was in denial about a lot of things going on in my life. Now I can say that I am around 95% honest with myself. I know there are a couple of things I can do better at, especially concerning my health but I tend to overlook those things at times. I am often in full denial that I am eating things that are healthy for me.
Man goes to the doctor to get the results of his tests.

"Well, John," says the doctor, "the tests have determined that you're crazy."

"WHAT?", screams John, "You can't just say that! I demand a second opinion! My insurance covers a second opinion and I want an honest second opinion!"

The doctor looks at him for a moment and says, "OK, you're ugly, too."
Versus the era and world I grew up within, the average honesty and willingness to cheat of other humans in this era is IMO disgusting.

Avoid making even white lie excuses a majority have developed well established verbal habits over. If it comes down to that if asked, more likely will not say anything and just smile or deflect a question elsewhere. If it is something a person that matters won't like hearing or will feel hurt over, won't answer. On web community boards like this, many play a behavioral game I don't subscribe to of NEVER saying anything negative to or about those commenting one generally has a positive relationship responding with as though they are on a stroking team.

The one exception I might likely hypothetically deny along with most peers for unfair legal reasons, would be if asked by authorities, especially police, about one politicized illegal lifestyle issue that should have been changed decades ago.
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I’m honest to a fault which actually isn’t good. It has consequences that I have to deal with. I swear I’ve got Asperger’s Syndrome. ( I don’t pick up on social cues )
I’d say I’m 90% truthful. I probably am hurtful in my honesty which is why nobody liked my post. 🤔 THAT I picked up on.
Then again, there’s that popularity CLAN…….😬
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I'm too lazy to be a liar and don't care enough Not to tell the truth, or should I say 'my' truth. Facts are indisputable. I rate in the 90th percentile.
I am honest. I don't lie. But I reportedly speak in code with family when I don't want to hurt feelings or make "waves". It drives DH nuts!
I have a hard time just being honest and telling them " this is how it is", "this is how it shall be", and " this is what is going to happen."
You know, that sort of thing.
