My pen pal is in hospice

Goodness, this thread really hits home....
While on a model railroad forum 17 years ago, I had reason to send a private message to a fellow who was moving from San Francisco to Red Lodge Montana. He was concerned about the cold weather and what he should do concerning his SUV. I know a bit about cold weather and driving (born/raised in Chicago) and passed along some advice. Long story short, we found we had many similar interests and we got along quite well. We emailed 4-5 times a week, talking about the outdoors, cars, model building, people, and our life experiences. Quite honestly, I could talk with him about anything and everything, and that is something special!

He began having health issues and about three years ago he and his wife moved to Sacramento, and after a year and worsening health, he had to go to a home. In the last two years he was rapidly going downhill, but we still managed to email chat a couple times a week.

Two weeks ago on a Wednesday he sent me a short email saying: the doctor just left and she said I had cancer and leukemia. I immediately wrote back with several questions, but got no response. The next day his wife emailed me and said Wayne was just released from the hospital. I didn't even know he was in the hospital. The next day, Friday, his wife emailed and said Wayne is in Hospice care and the give him a couple of weeks!

The next morning, I got an email from his wife saying "Wayne passed on during the night". I was (am still) shocked. I honestly think he didn't have a clue as to how ill he was, and to be blunt, I don't believe his wife cared. Anyway, Wayne was cremated and his ashes spread over the waters just outside the Golden Gate bridge.

I'm still absorbing his passing, and more than once I've thought, "I need to email Wayne and ask him this or tell him that". And immediately the real world slaps me in the face.

For some it may be hard to believe, but Wayne and I were pretty darn close, chatted so many times, shared videos and pics, but never met each other. I guess if there is a moral to this story, its cherish your friends, for they may be gone tomorrow.

My pen pal is in last stage cancer. He figures if he’s lucky he has about 2 months. I’ve never met him, but we’ve written back and forth for 16 years. I have photos of him and his wife and sent him photos of my wife and myself. We have some things in common and are very different in other ways. I know his life story and he knows mine. He gave me support when my wife passed away.

We’ve e-mailed about once or twice a month, sometimes more often. We’ve shared our pleasures and complaints. He loves his old truck and I loved my old ford. He has a big garden and I may grow a hill or two of summer squash. He likes to build plastic model kits and sent me one of the sub I served on.

It’s funny. He’s my best friend and we’ve never met. I will miss him so much.
I am so sorry, this is heartbreaking. I have good friends online too and when they pass away, it is always very deeply hard.
