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Word of the Day - Hokum


Hokum - (noun) - 1. Foolish or untrue words or ideas. 2. Pretentious nonsense. 3. Message that seems to convey no meaning inserted into plays, novels, speeches etc. for humor or to evoke a response.

There is a whole lot of hokum out there.

Hokum is the one I found in the various dictionary listings (when I thought about the word). I think it may be personal preference or area usage. Like a lot of words we use. @Wes

However, "Hocm" (sounds like hocum when pronounced) is an anacronym for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. I thought that was interesting.
This channels memories of playing in the family room while Gramps read the newspaper. Every few minutes he'd say "Pure hokum!" or "Bunch o' hooey!"

But once in a while he'd say "Well I'll be damned," and you knew he'd read something really interesting.
