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Word of the Day - Mansplain

The first time one of my kids explained to me what "mainsplain" means, I laughed and laughed. I was so glad someone created a word to describe it. Mansplaining has probably been happening for decades, if not centuries.

Once again the hard core man hating cadre of SF women make their presence known. Thank you all for this edifying post. Hope you are feeling better now.
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Once again the hard core man hating cadre of SF women make their presence known. Thank you all for this edifying post. Hope you are feeling better now.
I don't think it's man-hating to know that mansplaining is something SOME men do.

I think that knowledge simply helps women be forewarned. God knows, I sure wish someone had taught me that when I was in my 20s, 30s and 40s and 50s.
