Reading another member's post this morning about her garden and canning made me think about how much I miss doing that. As I have written before, I lived on a small homestead and I had 16 raised beds. Some were wood and some were made out of rocks. Yes, big rocks. I grew a lot of food and canned or dehydrated it all. I did not have a freezer and for six years lived without any refrigeration at all. So canning was essential to my life at Peaceful Forest Homestead. I bought meat in bulk when canning vegetables and fruits was finished for the season. I canned meats in chunks. There were times I made soups and stews and other types of foods and canned them too. But it was easier to can plain meats and vegetables and combine them to cook to make different dishes.
Living in the forest allowed me to forage for wild edible or medicinal plants. I made a salad daily throughout the spring, summer and fall using what I grew as well as plantain, violets, lambs quarters, dandelion leaves, etc. One time I counted how many wild plants I found in one day and it was over 25. I didn't like the situation I was living in and I made the right move to leave there. But I do miss some of it.
This week my cat, Hobo, died. She stayed at my house with my husband. I knew she would not be able to stand it living in this small apartment and never going outside again. In 2003 someone threw her off the little bridge near my house into the creek, which is a long drop. She was bleeding from her nose, eyes and a small hole in her head. I could not afford a vet and nursed her back with Essiac tea baths on that area. She had come to our house in the middle of the night so I figured she wanted me to care for her. She was young, but had hardly any teeth and was smaller than the other cats. But a tough girl. She lived a good life and could do what she pleased. Cats like that.
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