What's for dinner ( or lunch )

I haven't tried it.. but co-incidentally, in the supermarket this morning, I was looking at the Jewish selection ( I love gefilte fish balls but can't have them while I'm on my diet... .. and nearly bought Latkes, just to try, and then didn't...

Your recipe sounds like Potato rosti... is it like those ?
I don't know. Never heard of a rosti. But it looks good.
EDIT: I see in Google search that a rosti is a potato pancake, that is the potato is cooked, then grated, whereas my recipe is made with raw potato.

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Latkes are so delicious! Back in my 20s, a dear friend/roommate, would made these sometimes. We shared holidays - she'd come to my family for Christmas and Easter, I'd go to hers for Hanukkah and Passover.

Yours looks like an easy recipe. Wonder how it would turn out with a flax seed egg? Think I'll give it a go and report back. Thanks for the idea!
I hope you enjoy.
With the great improvements in non-stick cookware, why do peoples still use so much oil when cooking foods like hash browns?
:) I don't know, but I use oil because my poor brain needs fat. When a good oil like olive or avocado is used, and oven baked or fried in a not-too-hot skillet, it is harmless, I hope.
And I never use teflon. It can be found in the bloodstream of everyone on earth, I understand.
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Yanno what? I'm so tired of chicken and chicken and chicken that I'm gonna throw caution to the winds and venture out as soon as DD gets home from work around noon today and buy some ground beef and make a meatloaf for dinner. God gave us the brains to make meatloaf because She meant us to have meatloaf sandwiches.

Besides that, I'm gonna get a second mortgage on DD's house (shhhh! don't tell her) and buy some sort of beast🐄 for a pot roast this weekend. A real pot roast with carrots and stuff. And I'm gonna make mashed potatoes and gravy, plenty of gravy.

Furthermore, it's possible that I'll get really wild and crazy and buy a pork tenderloin, also for this weekend.

Not good for me? Pfffft. May the devil take the hindmost.
Chuck roast, pork tenderloin, ground beef purchased. Meatloaf tonight. Pot roast tomorrow night. Pork loin when I get around to it...probably on DSIL's next day off because he really likes pork tenderloin.

Mac & cheese and some sort of green veggie to go with the meatloaf.
While I am a retired senior, my wife is still working full time. So, on weekends she is cooking lunches for me for the whole week, twice as much as I can eat. She is always worried that I might starve to death. Well, I was a bachelor for many years and know how to survive. Sure, my cooking was not as fancy as that of my wife. For example, condensed tomato soup with eggs or hamburger meat and some spices.

Below is just a sampling of my wife's cooking. Fried fish, Brussel sprouts and carrots in a delicious sauce, and an omelet. Then, of course, a lemon pie, or whatever. And finally Persimmons and Pomegranates from the garden. Everything is so delicious. (I still remember: as a bachelor I kept a normal weight. But after I got married, I immediately became overweight. LOL)

