Why is sex such a big bugaboo?

Kind of late in life to discuss sex here. Maybe discussing favorite positions would extend this topic.

I'll begin with downward dog being 1st. followed by my wife on top a close second;)
Downward dog? Gee, I only experienced that with a yoga mat.
I knew of a girl that had recently moved to California from the East Coast. It was rumored that she had financed the move by telling a guy she had sex with that she was pregnant and needed the money to pay for an abortion. Ouch!
I disagree. I believe the taboo around sex and the discussion of it is what has created pornography.
DebraMae, that makes a lot of sense!
You could be right but before the internet I have never come into contact with anything that is even distant to pornography. About the closest that I ever got was seeing a headline on a girly mag in the rack of the news stall.

My naivety with the internet in my early days meant I didn't know how those pop-ups worked, or how to stop them. Google wasn't much help but a God-son was. He explained what was happening and I said that I would be mortified if my wife thought I might be clandestinely looking at pornography. He fixed it in seconds, something about downloading a blocking program. So good was it that even swimwear and lingerie on models get censored.
They used to have some strange practices in the past. One of them was bundling.
Itā€™s a physical divider, placed down the center of a bed to keep unmarried partners from touching. Bundling served as a way for courting couples to experience some physical intimacy before their wedding, and was also practical for suitors who traveled long distances to small, isolated homes that didnā€™t have much privacy,ā€ says Dr. Kleber. ā€œSometimes, families would place a ā€˜bundling boardā€™ between the couple to ensure that they did not touch during the night.