Are you hard to live with?

If you have an "ex" or two hanging around, you know they were no good miserable "so-n-so" s. But maybe the halo on your head slipped, every once in a while?????? Are you hard to live with?
To be honest, my ex became a gambling addict; but at the same time, I was in mega pain from back surgery, and I don't think I was Prince Charming.
Are you hard to live with?
My wife and I have had a few spats now and then, but something we promised each other on our honeymoon. We must always be friends again come bedtime. Hand on heart we have never let cross words fester, what's done is done, and what was said is much the same. Come bedtime we are friends. That honeymoon promise has been worth it's salt, fifty-six years married and still very much in love. How lucky am I?
We got married in November of 1970, so I guess we must get along ok!

But I tell my wife at times, that I still have not decided if I want to stay married to her, then I smile! She still is the love of my life, and I still 'lust' after her. Accordingly, we raised three beautiful kids who have blessed us with six grandchildren and one great-grandchild (so far). We truly are blessed...

Before I got married my mom told me, "Never go to bed mad at each other"! When we married, we both committed to each other to follow that advice. It has made for some very long nights over the years, but looking back it has worked for this point we seldom have fights or any big is good for us.
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If you can't play a game of chess or any other game, such as monopoly, without angrily hurling the board and the pieces across the room whenever you are losing, then yes, you will find me hard to live with because I disapprove of that conduct.
I'm so difficult to live with, my mother left when I was 16, my sister left when I was 17, and I was out on my own when I was 18. I can barely stand living with me! :ROFLMAO:

My wife seems to like me, though. We've been together for over 20 years.
