Happy Thanksgiving America In 2024

I have always hated turkey, I rarely eat pie. I am thankful to be relieved of cooking a large dinner for so many people. Me, my husband, my oldest son, and his SO go to Korean BBQ for thanksgiving.

Great food, no dishes, and home for a nap.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, no matter what your lifestyle. šŸ˜Š

I like the frame where the turkey is being washed..... hahahaha

Turkeys will finish thawing Thanksgiving morning, then warm in the oven to a high near 190 in the afternoon. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or a cold shoulder.

During the late afternoon and early evening hours, the cold front of a knife will slice through the turkey and cause it to accumulate 1-2 inches on plates. Mashed potatoes will drift across one side while cranberry sauce creates slippery spots on the other, especially if it mixes in as you turn to the green bean casserole. Please pass the gravy.

A weight watch has been issued for the entire area and we expect intervals of indigestion, with increasing stuffiness around the beltway. During the evening the turkey will diminish and taper off to leftovers and drop to a low of 34 in the refrigerator.

Looking ahead to Friday and Saturday: high pressure to eat sandwiches; flurries of leftovers can be expected both days with a 50% chance of scattered soup during the midday hours. We expect a warming trend baste on where soup develops.
I've always loved Turkey Day, even tho it signals the opening shot to my most despised season of the year. I used to love drinking bourbon while cooking, but these days, I'm not into cooking so much and order the meal for my son and me. Interestingly, my daughter, who doesn't live nearby, despises every holiday that exists.
My permanent roommate has spoken!
Filet of beef, shrimp, spaghetti alio i olio i pepperoccini, butter lettuce with dill/yoghurt, Braums vanilla ice cream with thimble size pecan pies, Calvados, salted nuts, dried fruit. Two or eight - it really does not matter. But I need to get the wine!
SO won a frozen turkey at a turkey shoot, then he won one as door prize, I got one somehow. My mother ended up with them and farmed them out to her father. He was a retired cook. Not a chef! What he created in his galley kitchen behind a half door always in Burberry dress pants, suspenders (for our Brits - holding up pants), wife beater (white cotton ribbed under shirt) and the eternal cold cigar (only in the kitchen) was simply amazing. I was too dumb ask to learn from him.
He talked me through butchering my first deer on the phone! Glass of merlot and sharp knife.
