Media pushing equality over reality

When my daughter was a little girl, we were watching a show on TV with a mixed race couple and she asked me if Mexicans were humans. I had to explain that they were and the show was not real, at least at that time.

The media has an effect on society. That's why people like Alex Jones and Rupert Murdock become influencers. But don't blame the media for everything that bothers you.
Truthfully I don't blame the media, I blame myself for letting the media get to me. I should know better.
It is soooo funny that even as adults we whine “that isn’t fair”. A commercial or tv program will only represent the demographics in some part of a country as big as the USA. Media is media…and big business. Their advertising and content follows the consumer most likely to spend the bucks.
Happiness is acceptance of our role in life
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Firstly I must state, I don't have a racial bone in my body. I say that because if I had to list the number of movies I've seen over the last three months with a couple made up of a mixed raced couple, the site would blow up. I mean, I'm at a point where I'm surprised to see a same race couple. It's this kind of heavy-handed push that grates. There is no reason a white woman should love a black person, and vice versa. But when you start to notice same race couples are becoming a rarity, it's a problem.

But then, movies have pushed agendas forever. Movies made smoking cool. They make gun play cool. They make violence cool. It goes on.

Cultural pride and heritage? Wow. I have lived on three continents. I have worked in four. I have little time for heritage and cultural pride. It's too often used to create "other" and prejudice. Culture changes over time, and it benefits from a mix of all cultures. Heritage? I am the product of a working class background, and there's not much to be proud about.
I love my family. They must come first because they are my job
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Truthfully I don't blame the media, I blame myself for letting the media get to me. I should know better.

Now that's a fascinating point. However, the biggest issue I see is some people want to pretend that some media is better than other media. When in fact, it's simply because people are more comfortable with people they agree with. If you scan Youtube, you'd think that only the left indoctrinates anyone. But it's right there in your face where the right does the very same thing. Worse - their doctrine usually revolves around hating on someone. Yet they glide through life.

You may like a segment of media. If someone points out that you choice is clearly lacking and bias, you can either accept that, and say you still like it, or take the point and carry on. But far too often, the response is to deny, get angry someone doesn't like your preference, and so on. This negates any discussion or debate. It's sad, but on the plus side says a lot. If you're not willing to question your own beliefs, then you're not ready to judge others.
I love my family. They must come first because they are my job


I was recently in a debate about the crowning of a King. People were up-in-arms about the cost, which were substantial. My stance is that we (in the UK) are a monarchy, and we have a rich history of pageantry, tradition, and culture. This goes beyond money. It has helped sculpt who we are, what we stand for, and how we got to this moment. You can't dismiss it because of money. It's helped us through hundreds of years. It is part of who we are.

Hate the royal family all you want - I for one am not at all happy with our Queen today - but without a monarchy, we're not the UK. I'd prefer they cost us nothing, but you simply can't dismiss them, Nothing will change our history, and I see no benefit in setting them aside. They are part of our culture.
I personally do not care when two consenting adults decide to be together. It doesn't matter to me. It's really none of my business. How does it affect me, it doesn't.

As for freak flag, why weren't those standard issue among the women when I was young???? I loved it when a woman would say, " I want to...." My response was usually "Oh hell yes and how about a side of..."

Cultural heritage? What cultural heritage? I'm an American mutt, and was a self-admitted slut.

BTW, I have never ever referred to a member of the opposite sex, nor anyone else other than myself, using with that word.
That’s a great post.
