DIY - Short Easy to Cut & Style Hair

My hair is long. I just use those little scrunchies, and I don't get headaches. Just an idea.
If the scrunchies are what I think you're referring to, they give me headaches also. The hair clips do also, as I said, I can't even loosely stick a bobby pin anywhere on my head for more than about 5 minutes without getting a headache.

I just yesterday got a pixie cut. Trimmed close around my ears and really short trimmed in the back. Longer on top. I really like it this way and finally found a hairdresser to cut it just the way I wanted. I think I can keep this hair cut for quite some time. Easy care. Not this is not me😁
I love it❣️ I'm sure you look fabulous❗
I cut mine off earlier this evening. It was way past my shoulders. I cut it just below my earlobes. It feels so much better!! Will be easier to care for now. I have straight hair in the front and curls on the back of my had. Just towel dried, tucked the front behind my ears, the back curled up nicely. Looks like the next thing is some new little earrings.
I used to go to the hairstylist for colouring and trimming. Now I just cut my own. It is medium length hair past my shoulders. I have bangs. Sometimes I mess up though with cutting the bangs, then I go to the hair dresser. I hate spending money now at the hair dresser. I went to have my bangs done once and I was there all of 5 minutes and I was charged $10.

LoveTulips, for many years I had my hair trimmed, styled, permed, even tinted by the same lady who started working at the salon since she first started working there, as she was "the only one I ever trusted cutting my hair. But ever since Co-Vid, I found it was harder to make an appointment a.s.a.p. So, after all these years, I learned how to trim, cut, and style my hair. And that's what I've been doing. No need to frost my hair any longer, as the streaks of gray I now have... it looks like I went to a salon to have my hair tinted. And it didn't cost me anything to have it done.​

I'm cutting my own hair, too, but it's fairly long and thick. I'm doing what my best stylist used to do — use the weight, texture and natural inclination of my hair rather than trying to fight it. That means I'll blow dry it, but no heated curling irons. I'm pretty happy with the outcome. :)
I’ve decided to grow it to a length that’s easy to maintain which is a bit longer than it is now.
I thought cutting it would make it easier to look after and I was wrong.
I know what you mean. I also found that shorter hair meant I had to mess with it more.

Also, I don't look good at all in really short hair, so there's that.
I know what you mean. I also found that shorter hair meant I had to mess with it more.

Also, I don't look good at all in really short hair, so there's that.
My hair is thick like yours. All I normally have to do is wash it, let it air dry then braid and style. It stays that was until nighttime when I brush it again. I’m so glad I didn’t cut it short. I cut it to just past armpit length and it’s grown quite a bit since. I feel more feminine with longer hair. My hair also has large pure grey streaks with I also like. They are fun to colour if the mood ever strikes
