What are you doing today 2023

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Well, yesterday was not a very good day! I had a severe bladder cancer attack and ended up in the hospital E.R. There I was given the good news that (beside my cancer) my kidneys are rapidly shutting down and that the bladder cancer might have spread to other organs. If anyone is concerned about me, please don't be! I shouldn't even share all those depressing details but that's my compulsion because, because outside my family I don't have any friends thanks to my previous "job!" and it helps me to share.

The only thing that bothered me was the pain associated with this latest "episode." It happily resolved itself at the E.R. and I am feeling great this day! When it comes to my hastened demise, I don't worry. I prefer that to a life in a Nursing Home! So sympathy not required! In the meantime:

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ok no sympathetic words.. but please continue to share with us, because you're as much a friend to us as someone in real life.. just want you not to suffer pain..

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What was I thinking? I just agreed to go with DD/DGD to the UPS store, Marshall's and I dunno where all else. What? UPS store two Saturdays before Christmas? Marshall's crawling with other carbon-based units? What?

I do need to get a package sent, but today? It can't wait until Monday morning?

Oy vey.
What was I thinking? I just agreed to go with DD/DGD to the UPS store, Marshall's and I dunno where all else. What? UPS store two Saturdays before Christmas? Marshall's crawling with other carbon-based units? What?

I do need to get a package sent, but today? It can't wait until Monday morning?

Oy vey.
Dear GiGi, get in a rocking chair (or your favorite relaxing chair) sit back take some deep breaths and chant to yourself: "This too shall pass!," and the darn parcel can very well wait until Monday! :)
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Welp, maint guy just left, put new batt in smoke alarm and
installed a new carbon mono detector I think it is....all safe now...
also Since I had 2 gas leaks in furnace several yrs ago, I keep a
gas leak detector wand device on hand at all times.....
Gas in furnaces and stoves scare the heck out of me, since I saw two neigborhood buildings blown up, over a period of two years and in different cities. I would not ever live in a building that uses gas. Cowardly me, since incidents like that are rare.

In connection with smoke alarms I am careless. My SIL who was a fire chief, disconnected mine! Sssh, don't tell anyone, but it was necessary. I am a fan of VERY browned butter to put over my pasta and my gastronomical efforts set off the alarm entirely too often. Not only that, but when the battery power was low even boiling water would set it off. I don't feel guilty about it because I am almost neurotically careful in the kitchen!
In California, you have to renew your driving license every five years. Before my 88th birthday, I have to renew it and then it will be valid till my 93rd birthday without any restriction (I haven't had an accident or ticket for nine years.) And the DMV keeps changing its "red tape." So, I just established an account with the DMV and filed for the renewal online. Drivers over 70 must eventually go to the DMV Office in person to obtain their updated license.

Today I started studying the 92 page "Driver's Handbook." All 36 test questions are taken from this booklet, and you pass if you don't make more than three mistakes. Five and ten years ago, I did not make one mistake. So, now I will carefully study this booklet to continue with my tradition. Finally, I will take the dozen tests from the past to check my knowledge before going to the scheduled appointment. There is no driving test; only proof of insurance, knowledge and visual tests. The knowledge test is now on a computer screen. And yes, the cost has gone up to $45 for the renewal.

For the Auto Club insurance, I have to declare our annual miles driven: 3,410 for me and 8,366 for my wife. When we go out-of-town, we use my wife's car because I have the dogs in my car and she is allergic to dog fur. When I was younger and my two children were still living with us, we drove together over 50,000 miles a year. My kids got their first cars at age 16. Instead of saying, "thank you," they pointed out that we ought to say, "thank you," for not having to drive them to school anymore. Well, that's California where cars are a life necessity.

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Sigh. Now DD says she wants to go at 4. 4? That's practically the middle of the night. I think I'm gonna just go along to UPS store, hoping that I can get the stupid package off today, then have her drop me at home. They can shop till they drop at Marshall's and wherever else they wanted to go.

UPS store at 4...maybe outta there by 5. Home. Jammies. Local TV news. Ice cream. Bedtime. Works for me.
It's weirdly warm here. We're expecting lots of rain tonight and even a tornado here and there.

Here it is almost the end of the day and what have I done? Baked some cookies early this morning. Since then? Wrapped four Christmas gifts. That's the sum total of my production today.

I opted out of going anywhere at all. DD/DGD decided that they wanted to go to IHOP and go right then (about 1:45). No, thank you. The one they used to go to closed a couple of months ago. I bet they forgot about that. It's just block away from their favorite Mexican restaurant (and mine, too). That's probably where they went after discovering IHOP is closed.

They aren't home yet, and I'm glad I didn't go along because I'd be cranky after a couple of hours of crowds and traffic.

UPS store will be Monday morning.

Geez. What would I do if I didn't have a job to go to?
Ggranny, c'mon over here tomorrow morning, I'll be fixing
Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, as long as I get up in a good frame
of mind!!!! :giggle: :devilish:
Wish I could! I gotta work in the morning...6am I'll be up to my elbows in bread dough while croissants are already baking.

That answers my question about what I'd do if I didn't have a job. I'd go to @hawkdon's for biscuits and sausage gravy!
Watching Army/Navy football game. Army is ahead 10-3 in the 4th quarter. Still anybody's game.

Go Army

ETA - Army wins 17-11. Close game until the end. Proud of both teams
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Well, yesterday was not a very good day! I had a severe bladder cancer attack and ended up in the hospital E.R. There I was given the good news that (beside my cancer) my kidneys are rapidly shutting down and that the bladder cancer might have spread to other organs. If anyone is concerned about me, please don't be! I shouldn't even share all those depressing details but that's my compulsion because, because outside my family I don't have any friends thanks to my previous "job!" and it helps me to share.

The only thing that bothered me was the pain associated with this latest "episode." It happily resolved itself at the E.R. and I am feeling great this day! When it comes to my hastened demise, I don't worry. I prefer that to a life in a Nursing Home! So sympathy not required! In the meantime:

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So sorry to hear of all you physical issues. I can relate, but will not go into details.

I've told my 2 older brothers and my grandsons to not mourn my passing. I lost my daughter about 40 years ago, and I'm kinda looking forward to seeing her again.
Received a present for our cat today. A 7KG bag of Whiskas Chicken Dry Cat Food. He sniffed the bag thoroughly 😆😆😆. Poured it into his feeder, then, he had a taste and scoffed a good portion of it for his dinner...
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Well, I put the deceased mouse out back....got bacon cooking
now, to be followed by couple eggs...then i don't know what I
will do for sure....... :giggle:
I read this, and I thought it said that you'd put the mouse back out. o_O
I wondered what I'd missed and what you meant;:unsure:

Till I assumed that one of the stray cats in your area, had brought it in to you as a gift,😻
and that you decided, after much thought, that you didn't need it, and to put it outdoors, to regift it, to someone, as they say.

Then I re-read your post. What? You didn't say you put the dead mouse back out?:oops::rolleyes:
Oh well, it was a good idea, I'd had. Maybe for another time.....:sneaky:
I am looking through at least some of the posts here in this thread, that I have missed in recent days....

It's Very Nice to see you again, @WheatenLover

And thinking of you, often, @Old Salt
Glad you told us your update, and in your own special way of sharing, as always.

I missed lots of posts, due to my having Covid, for over a week now. I hadn't ever had it till now, and as I had figured, it's difficult for my body to deal with and to get over, as it's combined with my ongoing illness and disability. Not fun at all, and a bit worrisome, but at least, I am not in hospital. I hope I will improve soon.

I watered a few of my houseplants, today, and tended my cat's needs.
I am looking through at least some of the posts here in this thread, that I have missed in recent days....

It's Very Nice to see you again, @WheatenLover

And thinking of you, often, @Old Salt
Glad you told us your update, and in your own special way of sharing, as always.

I missed lots of posts, due to my having Covid, for over a week now. I hadn't ever had it till now, and as I had figured, it's difficult for my body to deal with and to get over, as it's combined with my ongoing illness and disability. Not fun at all, and a bit worrisome, but at least, I am not in hospital. I hope I will improve soon.

I watered a few of my houseplants, today, and tended my cat's needs.
oooh you poor woman... having had Covid I feel for you.. and to have it on top of other ailments and disabilities.. well let's just say I'm very happy to see you back here.. 💐
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