What are you doing today 2023

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I'm not ready to hire out lawn work since I can always use the exercise as long as there isn't a lot of ladder work. But house cleaning is probably something I'd consider giving up..

But don't people just clean anyway before the cleaner shows up? :ROFLMAO:

My son & grandson are coming over. Playing with kittens is a major attraction. Louie 🐈kept me up all night. He needs to be 'fixed.' Getting aggressive in his adulations, if you know what I mean.

Watch out Gidget 🐈‍⬛ !!!!!!!!!

We are going to visit my ex-husband in the care home. It's basically a place where everyone has their own little apartment, meals and housekeeping provided. No actually nurses involved. The owners bought an old motel and fixed it up. He loves it there. Now that he's had brain surgery to remove a tumor (not malignant) he is not full of conspiracy theories any more and is back to his usual self. So everyone's happy.

Then I am going to help an 11 year old boy clean out his closet -- this one has no clothes in it -- it's basically just toys and games... and stuff.

I'm going to groom my dog, too. I'll probably spread that over 2 days.
We are going to visit my ex-husband in the care home. It's basically a place where everyone has their own little apartment, meals and housekeeping provided. No actually nurses involved. The owners bought an old motel and fixed it up. He loves it there. Now that he's had brain surgery to remove a tumor (not malignant) he is not full of conspiracy theories any more and is back to his usual self. So everyone's happy.

Then I am going to help an 11 year old boy clean out his closet -- this one has no clothes in it -- it's basically just toys and games... and stuff.

I'm going to groom my dog, too. I'll probably spread that over 2 days.
Blimey, you're doing more today than I'm doing in the next few days...:LOL:
I'm awake, of course, in spite of having a day off.

It's raining and supposed to rain all day. Fooey.

Right now there's cookie dough thawing on the counter. I made it maybe two weeks ago and gonna bake today. DD's and DGS's favorite Christmas cookie. DGS will be with us tomorrow for DSIL's birthday so he'll get his requested cookies then. He'll probably eat them all before Christmas.

Maybe I'll make spritz today, too, and freeze them. Gotta decide whether to make them soon because they require a pound of soft butter. It takes a while for butter to soften.

Another maybe is wrapping gifts. That's a job I used to like to do and turn into works of art. Now it's just slapping on some pretty paper and a tag.

Geez. I just read that...I'm gonna do all that in one day? Why not throw in a few other things? Paint The Hovel. Clean the carpet. Organize the closet. After all, there's an entire day to do it, right?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Well, yesterday was not a very good day! I had a severe bladder cancer attack and ended up in the hospital E.R. There I was given the good news that (beside my cancer) my kidneys are rapidly shutting down and that the bladder cancer might have spread to other organs. If anyone is concerned about me, please don't be! I shouldn't even share all those depressing details but that's my compulsion because, because outside my family I don't have any friends thanks to my previous "job!" and it helps me to share.

The only thing that bothered me was the pain associated with this latest "episode." It happily resolved itself at the E.R. and I am feeling great this day! When it comes to my hastened demise, I don't worry. I prefer that to a life in a Nursing Home! So sympathy not required! In the meantime:

Well, yesterday was not a very good day! I had a severe bladder cancer attack and ended up in the hospital E.R. There I was given the good news that (beside my cancer) my kidneys are rapidly shutting down and that the bladder cancer might have spread to other organs. If anyone is concerned about me, please don't be! I shouldn't even share all those depressing details but that's my compulsion because, because outside my family I don't have any friends thanks to my previous "job!" and it helps me to share.

The only thing that bothered me was the pain associated with this latest "episode." It happily resolved itself at the E.R. and I am feeling great this day! When it comes to my hastened demise, I don't worry. I prefer that to a life in a Nursing Home! So sympathy not required! In the meantime:

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God bless you! I need a heaping dose of your positivity.
I now have solid proof I'm becoming old. I'm becoming more 'Jewy'. Happened to my mother as well as so many others. Suddenly we start speaking Yiddish whenever possible. It has begun. Oy Vey.
I am always amazed how Yiddish resembles my Southern German dialect! There are quite a few words that are new to me but, if it's written I can usually make sense of it! And when I am groping for words these days I often end up with German ones. A language I haven't used for 67 years.
Welp, good morning all.....it's cold out and staying that way awhile....38deg I think,. rained last eve a while....I'm having
issues every m,orning now with my copd, lotsa trouble getting
the lungs ready for the day it seems....ah well, wth, I am old....
Have a great day !!! :giggle::devilish:
I am always amazed how Yiddish resembles my Southern German dialect! There are quite a few words that are new to me but, if it's written I can usually make sense of it! And when I am groping for words these days I often end up with German ones. A language I haven't used for 67 years.
You would be amazed at how much Latin you know. Everyday words like "alias" and "alibi" and expressions like "Alter Ego," are all Latin.
One of the most common in use is, "Et Cetera." Just look up everyday words that were originally Latin.
You would be amazed at how much Latin you know. Everyday words like "alias" and "alibi" and expressions like "Alter Ego," are all Latin.
One of the most common in use is, "Et Cetera." Just look up everyday words that were originally Latin.
And because I know so many latin words I can also read Spanish. Well, enough to make sense of a sentence!
@dilettante Go ahead and leer and overshare. Especially the oversharing part. I need to be entertained.

Maybe I'll get around to the story where I was getting weird glances around town when I was about 45 and people thought I was married to this pretty 22 year old girl and that her baby was ours. Not true, though she was living with me. All innocent though, I swear.
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