What are you doing today 2023

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It's overcast again today, but the cloud cover isn't so dense so it's a little brighter outside. And no rain since I got up this morning. With my wife being away, our MaineCoon cat has been following me around like a small dog, or a young child. But he's not the world's best conversationalist.

Yesterday I moved furniture around in my office, and I masked off edges and laid down a tarp. I thought I might do the painting yesterday, but no. Some other doing cropped up (those darn necessities), plus I'd discovered by mid-day that a scrape & a few spots on the wall needed filling, or at least smoothing-over, with drywall mud. And you have to wait for that stuff to dry thoroughly before you can sand it.

I've got a fish & rice lunch planned, and a few other predictable things. But today, things are prepared. So I feel like, yes, today I will paint.
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I am happy that I woke up to another day on earth, free of pain. My daughter will bring some fast food over later on to go with a beer and a nice Chtistmas movie. I am thrilled that we've had enough snow to paint everything white and will continue to have it until the weekend when the temperature is supposed to go back up to 11 deg. Celsius (52 deg. Fahrenheit!)

I just got home after having a cyst removed from my back. It was just a benign fatty cyst pretty much right under the skin, so not a big deal, but it's been there for several months getting bigger, and I could feel it whenever I'd sit back in my recliner, so I wanted it gone.

Whenever I have a day surgery or a dental procedure or whatever, where they just numb up the site and then dig in, I use deep meditation so I don't really feel the needles and all the prep stuff. This tends to slow my heart rate quite a bit, and when I had 2 different procedures on my spine a few years ago, there was this one nurse who shook me and kind of yelled in my ear, "Are you ok? Frank, are you ok?"

That was such a drag. And I even told her before-hand that I was going to go under through meditation. But I guess the heart rate got pretty low.

Anyway, today I let the student-doctor and the teaching-doctor and the attending nurse know I was going to use deep meditation...it makes the time seem to pass a lot quicker, it's a very pleasant distraction, and you feel really good after it's all done...and everything went great. No more cyst.

Afterward, the teaching-doctor told me the medical center is considering holding meditation classes for patients, and she asked me if I'd be interested in becoming an instructor's aid, and maybe a consultant, too, if I want to get certified.

That might be cool, so I gave her my phone number and email address.

The classes would be for patients with chronic pain, patients who've scheduled an invasive procedure that only uses a local anesthetic, or who have to go in regularly for painful or uncomfortable therapies. They're voluntary classes, and the center's just waiting to see how many patients are interested.
So this is why I ❤️ Sir: Tomorrow morning was gonna be a bizzy, bizzy time for me because the lady who has ordered 600 sugar cookies two weeks in a row, called the other day and placed another order. This time for only 300 cookies, but still hard to get them all baked, packaged, labeled, while still getting everything else done.

Sir just sent me a text. The order is done and ready to be picked up first thing in the morning. He doesn't have to do this kind of stuff, but he does. He's a prince!👑
I,m setting here grumbling now, rent is going up $75.00 a month next year...plus added 15$ fee if you don't use their
payment system.....ggggtgrrrrrrrrrrr:mad:🤬😤👹
Next year is only a couple of weeks away. Don't they have to give you more notice than just a couple of weeks? Is their payment system a nuisance?
Just came from the nicest get-together. The family that runs the fair trade store in town invited ladies to come be part of an Advent group.

About 12 gals from various backgrounds met, had homemade chili and cornbread, then settled down to discuss Advent and what it means.

Lovely group of ladies; learned new insights and made, I hope, some new friends. Look forward to next week. 🎄🕯️🎄🕯️
My version of Shepard's pie was a flop
Didn't realize to I was out of one of the main ingredients till last moment.

Sitting here trying to convince myself that we ''need ' more cookies.

Hubby's back is hurting.
He & the dog are on the couch,, looks like a good time to get a few Christmas cards ready to go.
Scottish Shepherd's Pie

500g of ground/minced lamb (about 1lb)
1 medium carrot (shredded)
1 medium onion (diced)
1 lamb broth cube (dissolved in warm water about 1/2 cup)
Mashed potatoes (to your taste)
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

My lamb is usually frozen, so I cook it wee bit in microwave beforehand. Then add the shredded carrot to meat mixture. Add half diced onion, spices, S&P to your liking and broth. Set aside.

Do your mash as usual and add remaining diced onion. Cover meat in prepared dish, top off mash with cheese. Put in oven 180°C/350°F for 15-30 minutes.

Enjoy! PS serves at least two with huge helping or four with regular helpings 😂
3 hour..?...whatdidyoubuy ?
Not much! A flannel shirt for me to wear to work, a top for DD, some Gold Toe socks for DSIL, and, um, I forgot what else. It took so long because we spent a lot of time browsing and then went to Ross. It doesn't take long to find just a few things; it takes a long time to search a whole store...LOL

I'm awake and have had coffee. Gotta get dressed and stuff so I can go make 🥐🥐 and 🍞 whatever all else.

Not much! A flannel shirt for me to wear to work, a top for DD, some Gold Toe socks for DSIL, and, um, I forgot what else. It took so long because we spent a lot of time browsing and then went to Ross. It doesn't take long to find just a few things; it takes a long time to search a whole store...LOL

I'm awake and have had coffee. Gotta get dressed and stuff so I can go make 🥐🥐 and 🍞 whatever all else.

I found that in Spain. Some supermarkets are enormous and you can literally spend hours in there and buy very little....
We've had a strange little visitor today... Almost forgotten his name since it's been so long... but he's very welcome anyway...

He's very familiar to some of you... ☀️☀️☀️☀️ Mr sunshine is back again .... and Rodger Rain.. has gone to visit someone else at last...

Seriously..how fab it is to get all the windows thrown open.. despite it only being 50 deg it feels warmer due to the sun...

I've been out in the garden, the lawns are soaking and filled with wet leaves.. but for the first time in 3 days I was able to turn off the Dehumidifier in the Barn..
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Didn't do much yesterday. Was traumatized from Wednesday AAR. Feeling better today, further from it...........
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Naw. For me, what doesn't kill you just doesn't kill you. Don't need meshugaas for strength; too exhausting.

Can hardly wait for elevator to be installed at my local train station. Then, Goodbye AAR, Hello Independence! Then I'll complain about the subway system again.
Just came from the nicest get-together. The family that runs the fair trade store in town invited ladies to come be part of an Advent group.

About 12 gals from various backgrounds met, had homemade chili and cornbread, then settled down to discuss Advent and what it means.

Lovely group of ladies; learned new insights and made, I hope, some new friends. Look forward to next week. 🎄🕯️🎄🕯️
Ya know, CinnamonSugar, I almost included Neil Young's song "Cinnamon Girl" with my birthday wish for you, yesterday. I refrained... I wasn't sure you like the song? Do you, or don't you?🤔

Well, after being in town all day, yesterday, I'm still not sure what will happen with my tooth. He thinks (hopes) that he fixed it.

I have a temporary crown on it, now. I go back in 2 weeks for reevaluation. If I don't have any pain in the next 2 weeks, then he will get a permanent crown started. If there is pain in the next 2 weeks, then, well....... I guess we'll see when the time comes.

When we finally did get home, there was a voicemail waiting for us.....
Our friend, Norm, passed away that morning. He was in his 90's, and was in the hospital since before Thanksgiving. They were going to start Hospice care yesterday. 😥

It was a long day. I was really tired!
Today I need to check over whatever I didn't do yesterday-but the sun is melting the snow and they expect 50 degree temps here today but lots of rain next week.

I might get a take out fish fry meal for dinner.

A friend called me a few days ago to say 'Pluto' wont let her watch the news channels. She was very upset but I have no idea how Pluto TV works. I lost my local news channels a few months ago but they had a message there that they were under contract negotiations to get those channels back on TV, and they did come back. They aren't really local but from Elmira NY but they do have a banner of any school closing in the county due to bad snow weather.
I spent yesterday on the kitchen floor scrubbing the grout nice and clean, Today, it will be the front hall. I am happy to report I seem to back to a normal sleep schedule and am sleeping well. I have been doing more physical work around the house.

I think a lot of it had to do with my caffeine intake. I have a about 3 cups of hot tea in the morning and then switch off to water. I had been drinking a lot of coke, water seems to be a better option.

I have meat thawing in the fridge for chicken fried steak tonight and I am going to put together a meatloaf for the weekend. Mashed potatos and corn will be made to go with both.

Hope everyoned has a good day!!

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