Last night we were supposed to have another bad storm but it passed us by. Got lucky!
People think I am silly for unplugging my electronics when I hear a storm coming in. But I have lost a printer due to it and the printer was not on. Just plugged in. My friend has lost 3 modems because she works from home and had to keep her computer online. My cousin's teenage son was on a front porch with others during a lightning storm when he was struck by it and killed. My neighbor across the hall told me he saw his friend killed by lightning and it was horrible. He cried when telling me about it and it happened many years ago. I could tell more. That is why.
When I was younger I was not afraid of it either. Now I am not as afraid as I was when I lived in my previous house. But I have great respect for it. Besides if my computer gets hit by it then I cannot afford to replace it at this time. Or it could start a fire if it is a direct hit.
I have a friend who lost her whole house due to a lightning strike. My parents lost an electric dryer in our house in FL due to lightning. And in their house up here the electric pole outside their house was struck and it also ruined the stove and the dryer. Had to go a few weeks with no power till NYSEG fixed the pole and wires to the house.
Do Surge Protectors Protect Against Lightning?