What are you doing today 2023

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Should be about 80F here in Central Florida. No plans, and no plans to make plans.

As Sheryl Crow once said:

"But all I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun

Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard"
@hollydolly What's wrong with that first picture is that y'all drive on the wrong side of the road;)
The custom of driving on the left dates back centuries and may later have been used as an early road safety measure. At a time when the main danger on the roads was mugging, careful travellers would pass on-coming strangers on the left with their sword arm towards the passer-by.
Across the pond in 1804, New York became the first State to prescribe right hand travel on all public highways. By the Civil War, right hand travel was followed in every State. Drivers tended to sit on the right so they could ensure their buggy, wagon, or other vehicle didn't run into a roadside ditch.
However, when the early motor cars were being produced manufacturers were unsure where to position the steering wheel, some even put it in the centre. However, although the US opted for driving on the right There are no regulations prohibiting the use of RHD cars on public roads throughout the country. As long as an automobile follows federal emissions and safety standards statutes, it can be licensed and used by anyone holding a driver's license.
RHD model T.jpg
Look which side the steering wheel is on this Model T.
Starting my morning on here with coffee, then working on a new blog post. After that I am making more chaffles, then laundry and working in my storage locker downstairs while doing the laundry. Friday my neighbors decorated our hall for Christmas. They put up some kind of decoration that every time anyone walks by it Jingle Bells starts playing. Surprised my son yesterday! He had to walk by it another time to see if that was how it worked. 43 here this morning at 6:30 AM. Rabbit and I are cozy though. Have a great Sunday!!! :giggle:
Another dreary morning here in Southern tier NY-rain off and on all day.
I leave for church at 10:40 , then when I get back I am going over my Christmas shopping list at amazon, and finishing my order.

I always buy a new Year Day Runner there.
My Medical appts are all in 2024.
In my Day runner ,I describe what I am wearing to church , so that I dont wear the same thing, too often.
I haven't decided what to eat for dinner.

Yesterday I got two 2024 Calenders , from two businesses I deal with , but last year I had to buy a calendar and it was more than calendars used to be. Like everything else!

I am undecided if I will put up my big indoor tree this year because it takes so much time to decorate it..... and then to put all the decorations away.
Today I will make baked apples. The forecast is for rain the entire day. I'll play a little game with myself and see how many miles I can log on the treadmill (I get bored easily and tend to want to get it over with). I'll see how many times I can go back on it today.

I'll do a few of those mundane chores, like emptying the dishwasher or laundry.
@Widow of Vietnam Vet My tree is still in the basement and I believe it will remain there this year (again). I did manage to put up a wreath and I guess that is about all I can do. Maybe a few Christmas type items around the house but no tree.
I;m the same my big tree and all the decorations are in the loft..I can't get them down on my own.... and then all the faff of putting them away again in a few weeks..I won't bother, but i;ts a shame because it's a lovely tree..
My son really bugged and upset me yesterday. Stubborn Aries, can't let go. Sometimes there's no getting through. A small thing. I've got to assert my needs more. I'm getting old. There's things I can't do. Hard for him to realize.

I texted my concerns this morning. Texting, the new talking. With all the talking we do every day, it's rarely personal. It's mostly political, as neither one of us gets the chance to really let loose with our ideas. For various reasons. So we enjoy that.

He'll probably start today mad at me. Mad, aka, I'm always right.
Putting up pictures (of snowstormIMG_20231203_172317_579_055317.jpg and early Christmas presents to keep cosy and warm).

It was very cold but sunny with partial cloudiness. We went shopping, it's the best day as it's quieter in the shops. Farmfoods store and the freezer is full for the whole month. Bargain there, a kilo (2.2 lbs) of 6 huge sirloin steaks. That's 3 Sunday suppers. Job done!

Last visited was Lidl. Cupboards filled up. Boon of two XL UHT push cream for coffees and desserts for holidays (no refrigeration needed until used, major bonus, also at 2 for 1, bargain. Christmas supplies included cheese puffs, packs of soft prunes and dates, toffee popcorn plus two HP PJs for me and Bonnie.

Hi, kids. Gramma's home.

The rain has stopped and gone away. We got plenty of rain, and there's sunshine and cooler temps for the next few days. Yay.

It was an altogether delightful day at work. It feels like our store manager gave the bakery a Christmas bonus with NL, and I'm sooo grateful! NL is so organized and efficient. And helpful. What a change!

TL was supposed to report to the deli at noon today. I leave at noon. She wasn't there, but that means nothing because she's never on time anyway. Since I'm off tomorrow, won't know whether she was "just" late or really did quit. Deli manager doesn't have time for anybody to show up late. Oh. TL worked long past her 8 hours yesterday. Hm. If she didn't get permission from the manager on duty, it'll have gone over like ants at a picnic.

When I went to clock out at noon, there was a list of employees who have PTO/vacation time to use up before the end of the year. There was my name right at the top of the list. Seems I have 8 days to use up. What? I thought I used it all when I had covid.
A little warmer here, well above freezing at least. Of course that means instead of snow we've been getting a steady parade of drips, drizzles, and dribbles. So much so that I have plenty of pooled water where I don't want it. Should end before long and stay dry for a few days, but I hope the grounds soaks it up before it all freezes!
Hi, kids. Gramma's home.

The rain has stopped and gone away. We got plenty of rain, and there's sunshine and cooler temps for the next few days. Yay.

It was an altogether delightful day at work. It feels like our store manager gave the bakery a Christmas bonus with NL, and I'm sooo grateful! NL is so organized and efficient. And helpful. What a change!

TL was supposed to report to the deli at noon today. I leave at noon. She wasn't there, but that means nothing because she's never on time anyway. Since I'm off tomorrow, won't know whether she was "just" late or really did quit. Deli manager doesn't have time for anybody to show up late. Oh. TL worked long past her 8 hours yesterday. Hm. If she didn't get permission from the manager on duty, it'll have gone over like ants at a picnic.

When I went to clock out at noon, there was a list of employees who have PTO/vacation time to use up before the end of the year. There was my name right at the top of the list. Seems I have 8 days to use up. What? I thought I used it all when I had covid.
Considering everything you’ve done above and beyond the call of duty, @Georgiagranny, I’d take everyone of those days off!!

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