What are you doing today 2023

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I still never get to your parties.... :cry:
You only missed the first one. Next one is this Saturday and the last is Dec 28th. Come hungry for pizza and ready to decorate cookies!
Now I've prepared a bowl of cooked baby carrots sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice, a packet of sugar substitute, and a generous drizzle of half-and-half, and I'm going to watch a holiday movie until bedtime.
I've never thought to do anything like that. Quick pumpkin pie-ish dessert. How was it?
I really admire and marvel at those of you who like to cook and bake. I'm just the opposite. 🙃
I love making my friends and family happy - and I really love, love, love throwing parties. I'm not so much on cooking, to be honest. Baking is more my jam and pizza is much more akin to baking than cooking.
I hope I can remember my locker combination, lol.
Sounds like a HS nightmare I had more than once.

Today and tomorrow DH & I have toddler GS for the day. My friends, believe it or don't - the little guy will be two years old in a few days. Time really does fly when you're having fun. :love: We had to stash all the cookies out of sight lest he help himself.

p.s. Ozzy-dog loves my biscotti, so we break off a few small chunks for his afternoon snack. No butter in them so no tummy issues.
I no sooner finished my tidying up, showering and dressing than DD wanted to run errands. Ok. We just got home.

It's a balmy 67 and sunny out there right now. The weather prognosticators keep saying this is going to be a cold and wet winter. If they're right, gotta enjoy the nice days when they happen.

Need to vacuum and stuff.
It is a miracle, I went to bed last night at 8:30pm, I was up a couple of times for the bathroom, as were the dogs. Woke up about 7am. Went to Walmart to restock a few things, the snack cabinet if you will. I got a gallon of milk thinking I was almost out. Low and behold there was a fresh gallon already in the extra fridge.

I just finished giving Toby Jo, (terrier dog) a good scrub and hair cut. He did not enjoy it as much as I did. At least he does not hold a grudge. Gonna take a little rest and then Zo (chiweenie) shall have her Christmas bath.

Then we need a nail trim all around, nobody enjoys that. They are always so funny, like I am killing them. When all is done, they prance around like they have just been to the spa, not my kitchen sink. The big one I will have to drag into the shower. At least he is cooperative, does not seem to mind a good shower. The problem with big dog, Bear, a chow, takes for ever to dry.

I am just so happy to have a normal day, wake up, get stuff done. I will go to bed at a reasonable hour and try to get my body back to a normal sleep schedule.
It is a miracle, I went to bed last night at 8:30pm, I was up a couple of times for the bathroom, as were the dogs. Woke up about 7am. Went to Walmart to restock a few things, the snack cabinet if you will. I got a gallon of milk thinking I was almost out. Low and behold there was a fresh gallon already in the extra fridge.

I just finished giving Toby Jo, (terrier dog) a good scrub and hair cut. He did not enjoy it as much as I did. At least he does not hold a grudge. Gonna take a little rest and then Zo (chiweenie) shall have her Christmas bath.

Then we need a nail trim all around, nobody enjoys that. They are always so funny, like I am killing them. When all is done, they prance around like they have just been to the spa, not my kitchen sink. The big one I will have to drag into the shower. At least he is cooperative, does not seem to mind a good shower. The problem with big dog, Bear, a chow, takes for ever to dry.

I am just so happy to have a normal day, wake up, get stuff done. I will go to bed at a reasonable hour and try to get my body back to a normal sleep schedule.
That's one of the best things about dogs. They don't hold a grudge! 😊
I had the first tele-visit with my nutritionist this morning. I'd seen her before but it's been probably a decade or more since I visited her (it was in the office back then). I was able to fill out forms for the visit online and share/send them. One went through, the other didn't, so after the visit I had to make screenshots and send them along with my medication card. I told her I was taking too much stuff to sit there and read them off to her. ;)

My son brought home Deja's Chewy order, which I have sent to his job. I unpacked that while she anxiously snooped to see what I was taking out of the box. 😺 I watched a little TV, took a nap, played my games and now I have to listen intently (and critically) to the six versions my dear friend Hunter sent of him playing saxophone on the revision of one of my first compositions, then chose the best one to work with. I'd like to include it on my next album.

Well, figuring out things tried last month and coming to conclusion that it was costing more, so back to simpler and cheaper system.

Heating works same way as electricity. When you go from cold start to heating, it'll cost more as you use more power to go from cold to warm. Therefore, leaving thermostat at between 18°C and 19°C, is just right.

As it's ongoing, it just brings one degree up without extreme. On Smart Meter, I've now seen the difference and it's great as it's gone down. Useful to have visited that museum years ago where it explained the pros and cons.

Glad I'd paid attention... Granted, December has come in ferociously cold with Frosty showing its ugly blue head, but savings have been achieved.

The museum displays I'm referring too were the amperage spent on startup from cold to hot with heating plus off to on with electricity for lights and others.

Having a good company for heating and lighting makes a huge difference as well. Comparing November 2022 to November 2023. Wow! £150 less a month overall is a major improvement and savings.

Breathing a sigh of relief...
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