What are you doing today 2023

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I'm wrapping some Christmas gifts... and cooking chicken. And fighting whatever creeping crud is trying to take me down. Been feeling it for a couple of days now... hoping it's just a cold. (See, Holly... now you know why I responded as I did to your cold/flu/covid chart yesterday... needed to know if I should remain calm or freak out.) :cautious:

I had a great idea! Since taking this photo, many more items have been added to the trimming-and everything on it means SOMETHING special to me.
Many are Victorian looking tree trim things, one is a very small creche my mother gave to me about 75 years ago, many from my daughter, angels from my brother, some VERY old ornaments , 2 items from India and with lots of Cranberry, pink, white and purple balls- I got tired of red and green. Tree Xmas 2007.JPG

If I could take a life sized photo of it and put photo in the same place, it would sure save me time.

BUT , just looking at this photo makes me realize I need to enjoy decorating it again!!!!!!!!!

I always put 3 small artificial trees on my deck, with lots of lights and that doesn't take too long to do.

My Tinsel is about 40 years old! I bought it at a yard sale. The tinsel had only been cut to about two inches from the ends and
I cut it down to many many tinsels, all stuck on one piece, each about 3 inches long. Some of the tinsel is florescent and it is very easy to take off the tree as well. Next to my electric chain saw ( 5 dollars at a yard sale years ago and still woks well) that tinsel was one of the best things I ever bought
Had a great party yesterday. Packed up some cookies today to ship out tomorrow or Tuesday. Toddler grandson comes tomorrow & Tuesday so no baking while he's here. Will probably go out for groceries and errands though... he's very good in the store.

Much bigger party ahead this Saturday so I'll bake everyday again this week. Tomorrow and Tuesday it'll have to be in the evenings.
I had a relatively self-disciplined day, doing things that align with my goals and not being as lazy as I usually am.

I did DuoLingo for two different languages, watched a how-to-paint lecture, watched and followed along with a couple easy senior exercise YouTubes, scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom sinks, and marched myself off to the fitness center in the clubhouse to get on a treadmill (it is a gray damp day out, not inviting for a walk).

Annoyingly, even though ALL the treadmills were available and I chose one off on an end of a row, some non-introvert person came in and got contrarily on the treadmill right next to mine. I should have just gone to another treadmill on another row, but I felt so indignant I left, and so now I'm 1000 steps short for the day.

I also stopped at the game activity room and played a game of Scrabble with 3 strangers, which was very enjoyable.

Now I've prepared a bowl of cooked baby carrots sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice, a packet of sugar substitute, and a generous drizzle of half-and-half, and I'm going to watch a holiday movie until bedtime.

I have an unrealistic but real hope that the baby carrots will somehow make up for gorging at the building potluck yesterday!
Staring at my new dishwasher.

It's like heaven to have one again. That drainboard and wooden dish rack gone now... (y)
It sure is my definition of heaven. A dirty dish is a bad dish.

When I went to clock out at noon, there was a list of employees who have PTO/vacation time to use up before the end of the year. There was my name right at the top of the list. Seems I have 8 days to use up. What? I thought I used it all when I had covid.
You make sure you take them. One day here or there. Ask what the definitive dateline is for using them. Maybe they’ll pay you out with that old-fashioned stuff called money.
Had a great party yesterday. Packed up some cookies today to ship out tomorrow or Tuesday. Toddler grandson comes tomorrow & Tuesday so no baking while he's here. Will probably go out for groceries and errands though... he's very good in the store.

Much bigger party ahead this Saturday so I'll bake everyday again this week. Tomorrow and Tuesday it'll have to be in the evenings.
I really admire and marvel at those of you who like to cook and bake. I'm just the opposite. 🙃
This morning was laundry day again. Easy load...a jacket and a few light weight pieces. I went down at 2:00 a.m. and it was so mild and peaceful outside that I contemplated putting Deja in her carrier and sitting outside with her for a little while. I have a large Rubbermaid storage tote out there that could double as seating if necessary, so I would have sat her on that so she'd be at my level. But then I thought, perhaps I should wait until daytime. When I went down to get the clothes out, it had just started drizzling and got heavier shortly after I got in the house, so the weather made my decision for me.
@Georgiagranny It must seem like an early Christmas present to find you have 8 whole days left that you can take! I never could accumulate much sick time because of my heart condition, but I had 5 weeks vacation a couple of years before retirement. For part of those weeks, I used to add my day(s) to the weekends to have a three or four day weekend. Don't know if you're allowed to do that though.
Hauled the Christmas decorations upstairs from the basement and was all prepared to be efficient setting them out. All I needed to do was refer to the photos I took last year. Couldn’t find them so spent ages this evening sorting photos.

It’s getting too icy to walk in the evening. Until we have dry snow, may have to postpone that.
Had a great party yesterday. Packed up some cookies today to ship out tomorrow or Tuesday. Toddler grandson comes tomorrow & Tuesday so no baking while he's here. Will probably go out for groceries and errands though... he's very good in the store.

Much bigger party ahead this Saturday so I'll bake everyday again this week. Tomorrow and Tuesday it'll have to be in the evenings.
Fun stuff.
On my early morning walk at 6:20 went to buy today's NYT, temp was 40
This morning around 8,I'll be walking to Marcia&Dave's house{2 blocks away} dog sitting my buddy boy, Tage for a couple hrs
I hope to get another walk in this afternoon{weather permitting}, read my book, after dinner tackle the Times daily crossword puzzle
Morning folks....I slept okay, woke a couple times, sitting here
wondering what I am up to today...care lady comes today...got
to make some calls ref medical stuff....hey did anyone else watch
the CNN special about the Kids in Calif being hijacked in '76>>?? that was good show, I had toatally forgotten about that incident...anyhoo have a great day!!!! :cool:
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