What are you doing today 2023

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I'm stuck in a time warp. Yesterday felt like a Sunday. Today feels like a Monday.

I think it might be the weather. Grey skies, damp everywhere. Autumn leaves make the ground a little treacherous to walk on. There is no chance of seeing the sun today, and it's dark outside by 17:00.

Still, my brain is out of kilter, and the day is all wrong. Not bad - just wrong.
This morning, I'm going to call the Dentists office to see if they can fit me in today. I've had a toothache for over a week. My cleaning appointment is this week, on Thu. I was going to wait until then for it to be looked at, but I have changed my mind. I'll go today if I can.

I also want to go to the gym, etc. I missed the last trip to the gym because I took my Mom to the eye doctor.

ABOUT MY TOOTH: It's on a tooth with a history of issues. About 10 years ago, it was patched together with "duct tape and hope". LOL I was told that there was nothing left to do for it after that. Well, the patch job held up for a really long time. Now, I think I will lose the tooth. Disappointing, but it has been expected for many years.

That's all for now. TTUL
Morning folks, coolish and will stay that way I guess 37F may get to 50F later on....crazy stuff, I was wakened last nite by a stink bug landing on me....only it was a nightmare !!!! I've had
several of those dang bugs come out of the woodwork lately, to meet their demise, so I guess that is karma maybe....lol...don't know what I'm doing yet today, coffee still waking me up!!!!
Have a great day !!!! 😚
We have sporadic rain today and possibly a rain/snow mix.

I finished my amazon Christmas order and hope it arrives by 4 PM when they deliver it- because I often get a email that they will be here by 8 PM but I forgot to leave some outdoor lights on last time that happened.

I have two senior friends in the hospital, one is recovering from pneumonia and the other has mobility issues and she fell at home and broke her shoulder.

At my last Dr. appointment I was asked the Medicare questions- have you fallen this past year, how do you take a shower, etc etc... and I think they are great questions for seniors because so many seniors fall every year.

When my deceased husband came home from the hospital due to a stroke, long ago, the VA gave him a shower seat, a hand held shower head, and a heavy metal bar that attaches to the tub. I still use these accommodations and they are a blessing. I think I might have replaced the shower head-over the years.

I also have many flashlights and check my battery stash often because we get power outages up here when the weather can knock down trees onto electric lines.

My police/EMS/Fire scanner has a battery back up and that often tells me where the outage is.

I lost internet a few times this past week because the signal was stopped by clouds and fog.

Today I might go to the Dollar store and gas up the car. I need to find my Christmas CDs for my car. I dont like to drive without Music and have made many CDs myself with Windows Media player, and MP3 thing on my PC.

After the big Hughes Satelitte outage this summer, I noticed my whole Windows media stuff had changed, so I hope I can figure that all out.They (Hughes) did credit all of us with $ for the lack of internet.I went to the local library to read my emails, for about 3 weeks.
Beautiful weather today and for the next ten days. No rain in sight. Maybe next month...

Toddler grandson today and will hit the post office to (priority) mail cookies that my nephew will hand-carry to my Toronto sister when he goes there late week. Sending packages from the US to Canada is a royal pain in the youknowwhat. Sure, they get to the border in 3 days, but then it takes at least 2-3 more weeks to arrive at her home. Let's not discuss the paperwork or expense.

DN should get the cookies Friday or Saturday. Am also sending a generous supply for him and his family so they won't be tempted to snag my sister's. o_O :love:

After TGS leaves I'll make more cookies! :love:

Beautiful weather today and for the next ten days. No rain in sight. Maybe next month...

Toddler grandson today and will hit the post office to (priority) mail cookies that my nephew will hand-carry to my Toronto sister when he goes there late week. Sending packages from the US to Canada is a royal pain in the youknowwhat. Sure, they get to the border in 3 days, but then it takes at least 2-3 more weeks to arrive at her home. Let's not discuss the paperwork or expense.

DN should get the cookies Friday or Saturday. Am also sending a generous supply for him and his family so they won't be tempted to snag my sister's. o_O :love:

After TGS leaves I'll make more cookies! :love:

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you're doing this on purpose ain'tcha? :p
Watching it rain. Weather folks say Wa State is going to be hit by by a Pineapple Express and Atmospheric River today. This dumps water equivalent to a major river flow on us. Plus the express raises temps thereby melting the Cascade snowpack. Major flooding watch for rivers in W Wa. I'm high enough not to worry about flooding.
Watching it rain. Weather folks say Wa State is going to be hit by by a Pineapple Express and Atmospheric River today. This dumps water equivalent to a major river flow on us. Plus the express raises temps thereby melting the Cascade snowpack. Major flooding watch for rivers in W Wa. I'm high enough not to worry about flooding.
Oh wow. I’ve got friends in Renton, I will check on them… thanks for the heads up
Gonna try again
Hi, kids. Gramma's home. It's cold and windy but sunny. I really should go out and mow the lawn. Really. Maybe tomorrow? Did I say yesterday that I'd do it today?

Shepherd's Pie for supper. Guess who's elected to make it? LOL Instead of making mashed potatoes with my own precious little pink paws, I thought why not use the prepared kind from the store. Right. Shepherd's Pie is sort of bland so instead of getting regular plain mashed potatoes, I got some that are flavored with sour cream and chives. Of course, the whole thing will be generously topped with cheddar.

Another thoroughly pleasant day in the bakery mines, with just a couple of mysterious little glitches. So:

TL was there sometime during the day yesterday, and according to the grapevine merely said "I'm going to quit." No idea who she told that to.

I don't know where Sir was, but she must have dropped into the bakery while he was away doing something else. We had at least a half dozen spatulas that we used for spreading garlic butter to make garlic bread, icing Danish and cinnamon rolls, icing cakes and such like as that.

This morning they were all gone except one that we all had to share...washing after each use, of course. I mean, yanno, garlic butter and icing? Nahhh.

We have a drawer that sticks, so we rarely even try to use it. Can't even remember what was ever kept in it. When we'd try to pull out the drawer above it, that one (below the top one) would just pull out, too, and next to impossible to separate the two. You can see why we didn't bother with it.

This morning Sir was looking for the spatulas and thought they might be in that lower stuck drawer so forced it open. Whoa! What he found was a whole drawer full of mini Claxton fruitcakes. What? He checked our floor display and it was empty...all the fruitcakes that had been in the display were in that drawer!

One more thing, just one more. Every Saturday morning our bakery schedule for the week is posted. Sometime during the day yesterday, it disappeared.

Gosh. Reckon TL figured she'd just do a couple of petty pay-back things? Huh? To what end? What on earth purpose did that monkey business serve?

Oh, well. She's gone, and NL, Sir and I work nicely together. Yay.
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