What are you doing today 2023

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I did some Christmas shopping, not foodstuff but small gifts and cards. I always have fresh flowers at home but, decided to buy some dried Christmas flowers and they look very festive. I resist buying anything that I don't really need before Christmas because I know that, the day after Boxing Day, it will all be half price!

Had a nice stroll around the shops and made a mental note of some extra food bits I will buy for over Christmas, which reminds me, I still have to get a box of Crackers!
Hubby didn't stay over where is he's been cutting trees.
It started to snow/ rain.

We did a few errands in town,, had lunch.
I fell asleep while reading this afternoon.

I gave the dog part of a deer leg that I had baked for him.

After him trying to swallow one of the chews we bought him,, thought real bones might be safer.
Also baked few pieces of meaty gristle for him.
@Sliverfox either you have a very big dog or it was a very small deer!

The Shepherd's Pie was a surprise. It's a recipe that I hadn't tried before and has sour cream in the meat mixture. Yup. Sour cream. The store-bought mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives made it even better. It's called "Skillet" Shepherd's Pie, but I only did the prep in a skillet and baked it in a 3qt round casserole dish. DSIL may have liked it; there are only about two servings left. When he helped himself to seconds, he said it was just to make sure it was okay :) Tasty. Very tasty.

After seeing tomorrow's weather forecast, I may have to rethink mowing the lawn. It's going to be sunny and so windy that our high temp probably won't make it out of the 40s. Maybe Thursday will be better.

That vacation and personal time off that I have to take before the end of the year? Vacation days all the rest of the Saturdays this year. So far. Dunno yet when the others will be taken. I have a "well-baby" checkup on Thursday, and it never fails that the doc orders tests for this, that or the other so I'll wait to see if she orders any this time and try to get appointments this month and use the vacay days then.
@MarciKS & @jet
I just got home from being in town, all day!!!! When I checked here, I had 38 bells (notifications). The thing is, I can only see 30 notifications, max, on my tablet. Now I know that mostly they were all reactions, but just in case.....

It anyone has sent a quote or reply, and I didn't respond, I wanted you to know that I'm not ignoring you.....I just didn't see it! 😘
I just got home from being in town, all day!!!! When I checked here, I had 38 bells (notifications). The thing is, I can only see 30 notifications, max, on my tablet. Now I know that mostly they were all reactions, but just in case.....

It anyone has sent a quote or reply, and I didn't respond, I wanted you to know that I'm not ignoring you.....I just didn't see it! 😘
once you've seen the first 30 can't you see the rest ?
Well I was awakened for no reason i can determine, at 330am...too damn early for my happyness.....guess it is karma for being lazy all day yesterday!!!! So, today is laundry time, and
don't know what else...coolish at 28deg F right now...brrrrrr...make it a good day okay!? :D:geek:
Today is cardio day at the gym. I will spy on the pickle ball players while I'm there to see how good they play and if I might be able to pick up that game at some point (I liked tennis). Will check in on the senior group to see what they are all about as I am new to the gym.
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