What are you doing today 2023

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Yesterday I went to the village to get a few items and my car had NO HEAT!
I just made an appt with my dealer's service department, closest day was next Tuesday. He said it would probably be paid by my extended warranty.

So, we wont get a heat up here to 50 degrees plus until Friday or Saturday , and that is when I will go out again.

I think I will save money by staying at home----maybe------but amazon is only a click away.....I expect an amazon order today, and thought it covered my Christmas needs, but I have been thinking of other things I should get there.

Yet, I have been at the point, for years, to put stuff in my amazon cart, but then I often delete stuff , if it is something I really don't need.

I just heard a rollover accident on my scanner, not too far from me. There is about 3 inches of light snow on my car.
But it might melt fast. I always let my car run for about ten minutes or more in cold temps, when I do not plan on driving anywhere.

One of the downsides of living alone, is that before my husband died, we always had two and often 3 vehicles, two of them trucks, which I liked to drive.


Once again, I slept in. Not only did I go to bed late last night, but I'm lazy and my bed is comfy!!! 😁.

Our temps went down to around 30°F/-1°C.....but at least it's dry.

Guess what? It took the Dentist a while to figure out which tooth was bad (it wasn't hurting at the time) yesterday, and It wasn't the tooth that I thought it was, but it the one next to it!!!

Now that they know what tooth to look at, I will go back next week and the work will begin. There are so many variables involved, that the final results is anyone's guess!! We'll see what happens!

I'm just starting my coffee. After breakfast, I plan on on doing my usual exercise, etc. Hopefully, I'll do my Christmas baking today. This year, I cutting back to making only "one" Yule cake, though I will divide it into several smaller pans.

I also need to get a move on to finish my Mom's magnet....Christmas has a way of sneaking up on me!

Enjoy your day, folks!!!


Not a good start to our day.

Hubby had the drive shaft go 'out ' on his wood delivering drive .
I had to go get him.

We went over to local man with tow truck to get it.
Once home hubby called transmission repair garage,, got it scheduled there.
Then called the tow guy, so he knows where to take the truck.

Looks like the truck repairs will be hubby's Christmas present to the truck.:oops:o_O:eek:
Yesterday morning was a time to do some more snow management in the yard. Then, having made a shopping list, I drove to town. Shopped around & got a couple of presents for my wife for Solstice/Christmas... nothing very expensive, but things I believe she'll like. I also bought some Anita's Flour, the exact type a friend of my wife's says reigns supreme for pizza crust (in fact, the label calls it "pizza and pasta" flour). Also got some masking tape, brushes, a new roller sleeve, all for painting a wall in my office.

Its overcast & raining mildly outside. So today I'll move furniture around in the office, mask off edges, lay down a tarp. If other chores don't take up too much time, if unforeseen tasks don't cross up, I might even do the painting today.
@ GG,,, yes ,, both deer were young, maybe 2 year olds.
We do all our own processing of the meat.
Add pork loin to the meat as we grind it.

Son's MIL always asks for the deer's knees.
She makes soup out of them.

While holding them so he could saw them off,, thought why not make a few for the dog?

Our dog is about a 26 lb Boston Terrier who chews through his toys.
Keeping eye open for bone silvers.
Hi, kids. Gramma's home. Home, where it's cold inside and out. Inside will warm up quickly, but outside? OMG! It's winter out there! The sun is shining, and the wind is howling. The weathernerds just said the temp tomorrow morning will be in the...wait for it...20s. Twenties. Yeah. What am I gonna do when winter really gets here?

It was another delightful day in the bakery. The atmosphere has gone from "attitude" to "what a pleasant place to be."

If there's any Shepherd's Pie left over, it's gonna be lunch. A nap🛌 is already calling my name.

One more thing: Corporate has finally joined most of the rest of the working world and is allowing vacation/PTO time to be carried over without a crapton of bureaucratic red tape/permissions/signatures. Yay!
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Visited Ed this AM, read O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" aloud. Had to stop several times; the story always makes me choke up/weep.

We used to have a record with Lorne Greene (of "Bonanza" fame) reading this story. I realize Lorne was Jewish, so I do wonder if he made a Christmas record willingly or if it was just the execs' idea of a $$ making idea. (Just my over-thinking musings; not trying to start any kind of argument) In any case, his rich baritone voice and acting skills really made it a memorable part of our Christmas season.

In further non-news, I've got a dermatologist appt in about 20 min, so I better get my skates on. TTFN!
OK, that's enuff... you're all buying your spouses and family members Gifts... and not one of you has mentioned that you've bought ME anything.. now how is that fair ?..I spend every day with you.. never ask for anything all year long ... but are you buying me a present.. nope.. thought not.. 😣
Sitting in a Ford dealership waiting for the mechanic to replace the battery in a friend's car. She's the young lady who cleans for me and is too busy with her business to take care of this.

At first, I thought I would just pop a new battery in for her but discovered this one requires removal of a bunch of parts to even get at the battery. Darn automotive design engineers.
OK, that's enuff... you're all buying your spouses and family members Gifts... and not one of you has mentioned that you've bought ME anything.. now how is that fair ?..I spend every day with you.. never ask for anything all year long ... but are you buying me a present.. nope.. thought not.. 😣
I'm going to get you some license plate magnets (oh, yes, they're big tourist favorites!) from each state in the US! 😁
OK, that's enuff... you're all buying your spouses and family members Gifts... and not one of you has mentioned that you've bought ME anything.. now how is that fair ?..I spend every day with you.. never ask for anything all year long ... but are you buying me a present.. nope.. thought not.. 😣

See these presents, Hols? They're all for you! Santa asked me to pass them on for him :)
@hollydolly You must be living right. You see all those presents for you under @Pinky's tree? Whoa!

So. Kaiser requires me to get a physical every year or else. Or else what? They cancel me. So doc's office just called to postpone tomorrow's appt because she's out sick. Hope she knows a good doctor👩‍⚕️ None of the days available for the rest of the year are acceptable. Sigh. I'm just gonna trade a Monday off for a Tuesday instead to take advantage of her one appointment left this year on the 19th.

I could see one of the other docs on her team, but I did this once a few years back and got one that I really, really disliked so that's out. Besides, I only get to see her once a year and look forward to it. Really. She's a fun and interesting person, and we've been a pair for almost 15 years.

Why is everything so bleeping complicated?

On another note, there was one serving of Shepherd's Pie left. I ate it. Nap time.
I didn't post on time for yesterday, but here's what I did:
Balanced my check books. In one of them, my calculation was off and I had to recheck one page. Got that fixed.
Deja had a vet appointment to get her annual distemper shot. It went well; she's none the worse for wear.

Today I will tackle getting this house cleaned and hopefully put away some papers. I've got papers and booklets in various bags that were used for as catch alls when I needed to straighten up real quick and I never got back to them to put things away properly. :rolleyes:
Please, my friends, believe me when I complain about AccessARide. Yesterday, going to my son to spend a wonderful day with my grandson, on the ride there I was assaulted by another passenger. She head butted me. She was obviously a mentally ill person, she had her carer with her and no visible physical disabilities. The driver made it worse; as an aside one of the things he did was cough, open his door in traffic & spit.

I can't go into details. I don't want to relive it. I had a witness at the end, my son's doormen. I just want you guys to know I'm not a complainer. I complain about AAR because there is so much angst involved with these rides. I immediately reported it, but nothing will be done.

On a lighter note, my grandson spells the word 'by'. He knows it's meaning, so I taught him 'buy' & 'bye'. He got it. Also, I actually won when we played Sorry! Yay for me!
@hawkdon I'm right there with you. A day off and I was wide awake at 4am so I got up and had my coffee, just not on the patio because it's too darned cold out there.

Gonna think of something productive to do. >>>Gramma's off 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️to think of productive things<<<
A month has passed..so it’s take the prescription to the doctors time.
And I’ll go out for lunch after doing that…..Cod and chips:)and a cider.
a month already ?.. time goes really fast... I must check online to see if mine is due..I think it must be..

I had to order groceries online.. this is only the second time ever in many years.. but I've been really not well this last couple of days.. and I just can't go out.. so I had little option.. . Annoyed because I had to pay £10 on top, because I didn't meet the £50 criteria... :(

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