What are you doing today 2023

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Aw, @hollydolly I hope at least it's raining so that your un-wellness combined with rain makes you feel like the extra money isn't wasted:(

Yesterday afternoon I was gonna take a nap, but with deliveries happening every time I got comfy, no nap. Then DD got home from wherever she was and wanted to pick up DGD and go to Cracker Barrel to eat. Ok. By the time we got there, it was dark o'clock. On ordinary days I'm not out at dark o'clock!

Well...it was a nice outing. I got to see lots of Christmas decorations lit up and was still home by 730. Because it wasn't a "school night" and I didn't have to go to work today, I stayed up "late" until 9:30 and still woke up at 4:30. Sigh.

DD and I are probably going to go to Kohl's to shop for free today with my Kohl's cash. There's nothing I need or want, but it's either use it or lose it. $70-ish is too much to lose. Maybe there's something that will speak to one of us. Our Kohl's is right next door to Ross. While we're there, we should just pop into Ross to make sure there's nothing there that wants to go home with us. Wait. Kohl's is free. Ross is the money💸that I said I'd 🛑spending.

This morning, I'm going to my church to help do a volunteer project
I'll be with another church member, will be putting a congregation letter in envelopes/label/ put stamps on
These are the kind of projects I used to do when I was volunteering in church office 2 mornings/wk before Covid changed that I always ask church staff member if she needs help with anything to let me know
The rest of my day read local paper, my book,may take another walk {weather permitting}
I got a call from the dentist's office yesterday. After my cleaning this afternoon, Dr can start working on my bad tooth!!!! So I don't have to wait until next week!!!!
Even though it doesn't hurt (well, not too often), I'm happy to be getting it done. Although, I don't expect to be so happy later when he's working on me....or later in the day, either.

OK, that's enuff... you're all buying your spouses and family members Gifts... and not one of you has mentioned that you've bought ME anything.. now how is that fair ?..I spend every day with you.. never ask for anything all year long ... but are you buying me a present.. nope.. thought not.. 😣
I would if it wasn't so expensive to mail to you.......then there is the custom thing. :giggle:
Snow here , staying home, my Christmas cards order arrived from amazon yesterday and that will be my main task for the day-
And to clean off my car.

Tuesday I think I mentioned, I had No heat in my car and I was very cold by time I got home from the local village, but glad I got some provisions for the next few days.

But yesterday I started to clean the overnight snow off my car, and by habit I also turned on my car heater, then suddenly I realized I am just going to get cold air in my car, and I opened the car door to turn it off and my car was full of HEAT! Thank God!

Also my defroster was working again and under the windshield snow there was a lot of ice. I use Prestone de- icer and after I got the snow and ice off, I sprayed it again on the blades and the windshield.

I have an appointment with my auto place next Tuesday and decided to keep that appointment to make sure nothing in the heater needs Attention.

Not sure what's for dinner yet...........

We have church mail box cubbies and put our cards to members in them. Our big church sanctuary tree is up and decorated and in the lobby our smaller tree is for attaching Christmas cards to the whole church.
It's coffee time!
I'll even throw in a few
for anyone who would like them. Help yourselves!

Next will be breakfast and off to town.

First stop will be the gym. Last stop is the Dentist.

And now I must get going.

But first.....
A very special song for me and dio. He usually sings it in the middle of summer when we are dying from the heat!

Today will be a busy day around here. The food truck will be delivering food to whoever wants it. Usually our maintenance man assisted the delivery which is unloading boxes of food and bringing them into our community room. Then there was a pick-up truck load of them he took to the other building in Sherburne (the next town over). This food is the central NY food pantry that brings fresh produce, some dairy and some other things (frozen and/or processed).

Since our maintenance man quit on the spot last week, there is nobody to do this. The new manager did not even know about this till yesterday afternoon when one of the tenants told her. So two tenants, a woman who can walk pretty good and another guy are going to try to help unload the truck. I don't know how this will turn out. I wish I could help them, even though I don't get the food. I can't though, especially today. I have done a lot this week and need to take a break. Each apartment gets 2 boxes of food. Some really need it.
Sitting in a Ford dealership waiting for the mechanic to replace the battery in a friend's car. She's the young lady who cleans for me and is too busy with her business to take care of this.

At first, I thought I would just pop a new battery in for her but discovered this one requires removal of a bunch of parts to even get at the battery. Darn automotive design engineers.
You are very kind.
Today will be a busy day around here. The food truck will be delivering food to whoever wants it. Usually our maintenance man assisted the delivery which is unloading boxes of food and bringing them into our community room. Then there was a pick-up truck load of them he took to the other building in Sherburne (the next town over). This food is the central NY food pantry that brings fresh produce, some dairy and some other things (frozen and/or processed).

Since our maintenance man quit on the spot last week, there is nobody to do this. The new manager did not even know about this till yesterday afternoon when one of the tenants told her. So two tenants, a woman who can walk pretty good and another guy are going to try to help unload the truck. I don't know how this will turn out. I wish I could help them, even though I don't get the food. I can't though, especially today. I have done a lot this week and need to take a break. Each apartment gets 2 boxes of food. Some really need it.
I would bet if you called the local fire or police department they would send a couple of guys to get the job done. Not good to take a chance that someone could get hurt.
It's 4.30pm dark ..and absolutely pouring of rain hard... My grocery delivery is just one stop away, so I was watching out of the window for it, and seeing people dashing through the rain getting soaked.. and I was thinking, what a horrible job it must be to do in the pouring rain
All done.. the packs were soaking wet, and he only had to come from the van to my front door.. that's how hard it's raining, and it;s freezing cold too. I debated whether to give him a tip given that I had to pay so much over the top for my groceries.. but I thought well, I wouldn't like to be getting cold and wet like that for someone else.. so I did ..
Went shopping today as we had a craving for Singapore Noodles (Prawn for Bonnie and Duck/Hoisin for me). Got those plus meals until Tuesday next week.

Had to be quick as a downpour was predicted and came down minutes after we returned 😆

Went to charity shop, got bonus find... Lovely Black and White Tartan long winter coat for myself and a short faux fur coat for daughter. Found a DIY book by Tommy Walsh plus the entire collection of Harry Potter's collection with latest covers (replacing our lost one in last house move)

Got a microwave cookbook plus a Witch's cookbook with all natural ingredients. Only extra spent was for a pack of cellophane papers to cover books.
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